Anime MMO?

Lamby @momoichi
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Anime MMO?
Lamby @momoichi
lol xD y dont u like blood elfs anymore :P? and y dont u have an orc X3!?! wood ur human get jealous xD? (plus blizz prefers the horde which shows wer better then the alliance even more XD!)

KitsuneRena @kitsunerena
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Anime MMO?
KitsuneRena @kitsunerena
I tried Rusty Hearts for a few mins and just didn't like how it was. You get stuck with premade characters with such and such class and skills, and there was other stuff that annoyed me, probably movement setup, but mostly forgot because I uninstalled it the same day. Looks cool, doesn't play as expected.
Not sure, I've only ever played PSO BB on the Schthack server. Would be cool to have the newer version though since the graphics look a bit better, but it seems to be Japanese only still.

J @j_oxford
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Anime MMO?
J @j_oxford
I have orcs and the proof that Blizzard favors Horde is their racials. Grudges made me hate Blood Elves! I might play mine more though.
As for PSO2, it says it will be out early 2013. I thought I read somewhere that it would be out in January, not entirely sure. If it doesn't get delayed probably first quarter of the year. The original came out in like 2000-2001ish. I am excited for PSO2 though. ^.^

KitsuneRena @kitsunerena
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Anime MMO?
KitsuneRena @kitsunerena
Ok. I'd like to play it if it does come over and isn't too expensive to upkeep. I get that PSO is old thus lesser graphics, just saying it's be nice to upgrade.

J @j_oxford
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Anime MMO?
J @j_oxford
It will be free to play! :D
However... Micro-transactions make more money than subscriptions themselves.

KitsuneRena @kitsunerena
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Anime MMO?
KitsuneRena @kitsunerena
Yeah, I do a lot of free to play games and there's always some coin shop or whatever to get special stuff. I generally go without paying real money though (one exception was MapleStory where I bought shop reservation things).

Deleted User @__removed_2febdcff2cGILeMdar
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Anime MMO?
Deleted User @__removed_2febdcff2cGILeMdar
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J @j_oxford
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Anime MMO?
J @j_oxford
I tend to spend money on games like that.. Especially Conquer Online back in the day. It was such a thrilling game I wanted to support it. Risk getting PKed anywhere at anytime (except for Noob area and cities most of the time if the guards didn't insta-kill you). My friend and I were infamous and left no survivors! Until they logged on their mains and we bailed. It used to be a game I felt at home with though. Got to know most of the people on the server. Now that it's been years and countless server merges, I am distant from it. I tried to become good at Tera, but I am a sucker for heavy armor and Beserkers didn't really cut it that well. I don't really care much for PvP anymore, I can be skilled in a game, but I tend to stay away from stress in games. I used to try to complete every game I got my hands on back a few years ago, now I just simply just try to enjoy it. When PSO2 comes out I may seriously try ,but that will be determined when I play it. As for Rusty Hearts, I'll try it. Not necessarily a fan of pre-made characters, but I can't judge the game without playing it myself now can I?

Nerdalous @nerdalous
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Anime MMO?
Nerdalous @nerdalous
Dragonball Online is really cool, you need a patch to play it but it's worth it.

KitsuneRena @kitsunerena
commented on
Anime MMO?
KitsuneRena @kitsunerena
I'm not much for PK or PvP type stuff, I die too easily all the time when it is in a game. ~.~ I usually play MMOs with friends until they drop it, I lag behind and play for a while more then drop because I feel like I can't do much as far as parties. Don't like pre-made characters at all, I enjoy making my own character even if there's only like 4 styles to each bit of the makeup. I tend to use healers or sword type characters a lot, not good with bows usually or being an assassin/theif. Also liked the merchant class in Ragnarok Online when I played (fairly business oriented person).
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