small breasted alliance
gone @socrates
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small breasted alliance
gone @socrates
@Wallace: What are you talking about? lol I've seen plenty of flat-chested girls with rockin' hips, are you kidding me?<p>
And I'd appreciate it if you didn't talk about my breasts like you've actually seen them, alright?
tornadomushroom @tornadomushroom
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small breasted alliance
tornadomushroom @tornadomushroom
Personally for me, Big boobs are disgusting looool.
If big boobs are gonna look even decent to me, the girl better be fit or have the correct body proportion.
Other than that, i'll stick to the smaller bewbies. :P
tornadomushroom @tornadomushroom
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small breasted alliance
tornadomushroom @tornadomushroom
Double post. OMG.
Haruu @haruu
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small breasted alliance
Haruu @haruu
I have hope.. T_T
ロイ @wallace614
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small breasted alliance
ロイ @wallace614
I'm just estimating from pictures nothing wrong with that Socrates
Tornado my brother you read my mind
Don't worry loli chan
Remember if you massage them they'll grow >__<
Haruu @haruu
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small breasted alliance
Haruu @haruu
@Wallace: ..... LOLOL... XD NO! That is too awkward.. XD I'm pretty small so I guess it's okay to live with my unblessed chest. x3d
PK Thoron @julioelgamer
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small breasted alliance
PK Thoron @julioelgamer
breasts and hips are irrelevant, it's all in the legs! :L
tornadomushroom @tornadomushroom
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small breasted alliance
tornadomushroom @tornadomushroom
A-smaller C is what I prefer mostly because it doesn't look disgusting. It's as i said, if you're gonna have big boobs, my god, please have the correct body proportions lol.
I don't completely rule out big boobs but i'd very much prefer smaller bewbies. I think they're cute 3:
That and my hands are small, i don't like boobs overwhelming them B) LOOOOL. I'm a perv :<
PK Thoron @julioelgamer
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small breasted alliance
PK Thoron @julioelgamer
I remember one girl from high school, she had like Z cups and she was waaay too thin and her hips were really small, it was kinda unsettling
ロイ @wallace614
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small breasted alliance
ロイ @wallace614
Haha to me a B cup is best to be honest is cute to much hanging diverts my attention from your face to be honest
@loli chan that's a teheraputic massage nothing wrong with it
It depends on the state of mind that you have when doing those things
Nothing to be embarrase
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