clone event :P
guilliano @guilliano
clone event :P
guilliano @guilliano
here's the question what would you do if you met a clone of yourself so not looks like you but is the same as you
here is my course of actions
1-firsting i would do sinds im pretty compettitif when it comes to myself is fight not to beat one another up but jus to see wath im capable of
2-come on i have to challenge someone i know is a chalenge when playing videogames
3-hang out becuase come on it's me :P
ohmygod @ohmygod
commented on
clone event :P
ohmygod @ohmygod
So, if I met someone that did not look like me, but is the same as me?
guilliano @guilliano
commented on
clone event :P
guilliano @guilliano
yes literaly a clone
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