Anime Detour

Yggdrasil @yggdrasil
Anime Detour
Yggdrasil @yggdrasil
Well this is kind of early I suppose, but who's planning on going to this. I am but this is like in my backyard well not literally but I've been going for 5 years with the next one.

LollipopMarie @lollipopmarie
commented on
Anime Detour
LollipopMarie @lollipopmarie
I was at the last one but cant get this year off from work. Maybe I will fake a family emergency or something to come home. Ha. But you dont know that I just said that. Haha.

Lee @lee
commented on
Anime Detour
Lee @lee
I've got buddies that demand I be there or I might lose a limb or two! *yips* So of course I'll be there!
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