
Cloudy @cloudsnstuff
Cloudy @cloudsnstuff
Because I'm the only lolita on this site, seemingly.. and it seriously needs a topic.
Favourite style? Brands? Offbrand? Make homemade? Advice on where to get good jewellery? yeah? nah? ok

KitsuneRena @kitsunerena
commented on
KitsuneRena @kitsunerena
I make my own stuff when I have time and feel like it. Mostly I buy online for accessories and shoes. I have a knock off of a Baby the Stars Shine Bright pink purse, then I have a pair of baby blue Bodyline shoes with a high heel and some knock off type rocking horse shoes in black, with the long ties that velcro. As much as I'd like to buy a dress or something, my measurements don't match up sadly. Plus stuff gets expensive too. Right now making a blouse and high waisted skirt for myself. ^^
I really like the Victorian Maiden stuff and the floral prints.

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Deleted User @__removed_2febdcff2cGILeMdar
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KitsuneRena @kitsunerena
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KitsuneRena @kitsunerena
Generally girls are into the lolita fashion because it's an interesting look or they want to dress like a princess. Kind of a return to childhood for me and a strong show of femininity since I feel dressing up expresses that. The sizings for brand are fairly small in respect to my body, even if there is some stretch panel....forgot the exact term for it right now. I like the majority of lolita sub categories though I've mainly dressed Gothic style. I feel sweet lolita is cute but may not always look best on me so I tend toward the more mature side.

Locked. @masuji
commented on
Locked. @masuji
Yeah the victorian style lolita is interesting. For me, eastern takes on western fashion tend to be neat to read about, although I have little in the way of fashion sense.

Cloudy @cloudsnstuff
commented on
Cloudy @cloudsnstuff
I'm a sweet lolita. Though sometimes I do a little classic lolita...
Rarely do gothic. :)
I do casual sweet lolita too.

KitsuneRena @kitsunerena
commented on
KitsuneRena @kitsunerena
I think I'm more classic lolita in relation to really loving the Victorian Maiden lines. I'd like to do more casual but have to figure it out some more before I go for it. I've heard of fairy-kei lolita and it sounds kinda cool since I like fairy influences for dress. Darker colors tend to look better on me usually though, but I like pastels or airy colors more.

sinnamon @sinnamon
commented on
sinnamon @sinnamon
Lolita here :3 sweet lolita... Love Angelic Pretty ;3; Wardrobe is mostly by Angelic Pretty -3- Just too cute to ignore :D I do make some handmade hair accessories when I can't find what I like xp wish I was more crafty with sewing :'3 I love all of the rococo style pieces BTSSB make... Looking for BTSSB pieces for Anime Matsuri xD
Good jewelry places... Hmmm there's a lot of great shops on Etsy! :)

KitsuneRena @kitsunerena
commented on
KitsuneRena @kitsunerena
I'm in some lolita groups on DeviantART and some people post good accessories from their Etsy stores. I've seen several rose themed jewelry items that looked amazing. Lot of decora things too, but I'm not really into that.

Cloudy @cloudsnstuff
commented on
Cloudy @cloudsnstuff
Sinnamon, what's your favourite AP dress? c:
And do you get them from the comm sales or straight from the shop brand new?
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