My top ten animes and why

ladymoriko @ladymoriko
My top ten animes and why
ladymoriko @ladymoriko
Im bored so here this topic is..and its my fav top ten AT THE MOMENT kinda...
-At number ten which is the least kinda...anyways...we have Shuffle!.
I thought it was a cute storyline with a bunch of even cuter characters however i have like TWO more episodes of it to watch i think which i will do later.
9. Gurren Lagann. and thats all i am saying. (T_T KAMINA)
8.Full Metal Alchemist brotherhood.
I liked this a bit more than the normal FMA however i have badluck on both and ended up watching for my first episode of both series Maes death =_=
I shouldnt have to say much on this choice. I simply adored Blood +. the story of both Saya and Diva were just ...well damn im speechless for this.
6.Inuyasha. This was the first Anime i ever it always stays at number six for now.

ladymoriko @ladymoriko
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My top ten animes and why
ladymoriko @ladymoriko
5. Ouran High School Host Club. ....that is all.
4. Naruto.
3.Skip Beat and Nana share number three.
Skip beat i cant wait for the English
and NANA i adored because is basiclly realllife turned into Anime...
2.Almost to number one! at numba two we have another tie! Eureka seven makes it way here because it ..i adored it and its compitior is Soul eater.
1.Black Butler....also known as Kuroshitsuji...<3 ive watched both seasons....and i just LOVE LOVE this.

Galactic-Squidd @kawaiidango
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My top ten animes and why
Galactic-Squidd @kawaiidango
my list is...
10. Fruits Basket
6. Rozen Maiden
8. Karin/Chibi vampire (Of all things this is the first anime i watched)
7. Pokemon
6. Baka and Test
5. Tsubasa Resovior Chronicles
4. Soul Eater
3. SGT Frog/Kerokero gunsou
2. Black Rock Shooter
1. Kuroshitsuki/Black Butler and Death Note share number 1

ladymoriko @ladymoriko
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My top ten animes and why
ladymoriko @ladymoriko
Shitz.. i forgot DN and FB and KArin......erm...DN shares the number one space as well as FB...Karin goes on eight...and while i am remembering ...VampireKnight goes with 9...FLCL goes on 6....Ghost in shell at four..

kazentaicell @kazentaicell
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My top ten animes and why
kazentaicell @kazentaicell
My list would be
10.Another ~ just a great mystery
9.Dragon Ball series ~ its between dragon ball and dragon ball Z
8.Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood ~ Just great
7.Panty & stocking with Garterbelt ~ it was hilarious and the ending left me wanting more!!
6. High school of the dead ~ The first anime i actually cosplayed and it was just a great story can't wait for season 2
5.Naruto~ just Amazing
4.FLCL ~ I loved it so much!!
3.Saint Seiya ~ My first Anime and a great story!
2.Black Rock shooter ~ I cried watching it T.T and i bought so much stuff from it!!
1.Scott Pilgrim vs the world ~ sorry but this is just my all top favorite

Ushio @ushioryuusei
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My top ten animes and why
Ushio @ushioryuusei
My Favorites
10. High School of The Dead - Loved it but was hard to explain when I was purchasing the DVDs
9. Bleach - Enjoyed it but couldn't enjoy the fillers
8. Naruto - Liked it but preferred the manga
7. Shuffle! - Ended up watching after having played to VN
6. Clannad - Series after the movie couldn't help but fall in love with the series
5. The World God Only Knows - Just loved the series overall
4. Cowboy Bebop - One word: Awesome
3. Gintama/Keroro Gunso - Comedy was mostly perverted/dirty/childish but while it is mostly comedy the action and some jokes were great and Keroro Gunso just combined my love of Gundam with awesome comedy including parodies
2. One Piece - Loved the manga, thanking the anime for putting it in action
1. Neon Genesis Evangelion - Became enveloped by the series when I was younger and went back to fall in love with it again and again

sapphireyes @sapphireyes
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My top ten animes and why
sapphireyes @sapphireyes
10. Zatch Bell
9. Pokemon
8. Digimon
7. Yu Yu hausho
6. Inuyasha
5. High school of the dead
4. Soul eater
3. Elfen Lied
2. Naruto Shippuden
1. Sword Art Online
All because they are awesome

ronined @ronined
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My top ten animes and why
ronined @ronined
10.Ai Yori Aoshi
9. Toradora
8. Code Geass
7. Clannad
6. FMA Brotherhood
5. Midori Days
4. Genshiken
3. Welcome to the NHK
2. Ore no Imouto ga Konnani Kawaii Wake ga Nai
1. Steins;Gate

Rezikai @rezikai
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My top ten animes and why
Rezikai @rezikai
My Recent top 10 since after review some of the older 80s-90's titles were more of young boy's action laced fantasy dreams influencing my opinions... so the below list is more "my recent top 10".
10) Tari Tari
9) Oreimo yes I know but its for Saori
8) Black Lagoon
7) Inuyasha
6) Cowboy Bebop
5) Samurai Champloo
4) H.O.T.D.
3) Uchuu Kyoudai
2) Jormungandr
1) Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukuani (Haganai)
*honorable mentions for recent watches with potential*
Haiyoru! Nyaruko-san
Yuru Yuri (seasons 1-2)
Oda Nobuna No Yabou
Queen's Blade (seasons 1-3)
Dakara Boku wa, H ga Dekinai
*yes I know the last 3 are ecchi as hell, but i love big oppai, great big and soft and squeezeable! :)

Teaman @teaman
commented on
My top ten animes and why
Teaman @teaman
Have my top 7 and why instead
So chill and really beautiful work put into the art and music.
The shifting narrative and focus between many groups of characters and how the story is laid out is really interesting and makes you take notice as it pieces together.
I didn't think I'd like this at first because of the art style but I got past it and really enjoyed this show for the character interaction.
Darker Than Black
Chinese Electric Batman.
5 Centimeters Per Second
One more time/One more chance.
Ghost in the Shell
Sci-fi at it's best.
Cromarite High School
Straight Man goes to a school for delinquents where he meets Freddie Mercury, a Gorilla, a robot everyone thinks is human and more. The best comedy I've seen.
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