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Why are you single?

Aug 26, 23 at 5:50pm
For me it was because i decided to work on myself, mentality, confidence and what not making me stay away from relationships until early this year ^^ i have come out a better person who has beaten most of my anxiety and stress and i am very proud of myself
Oct 03, 23 at 9:14pm
It’s definitely my own fault, I’m self aware enough to know that. I always try to me mindful of not falling into the incel “oh women just don’t like me.” My appearance is alright, but I don’t take enough effort to maintain or improve it. I’m very passive in flirting so people don’t even see me as a romantic option a lot of the time. I have difficulty finding a balance between a respectful distance and no boundaries. Really I just need to improve on myself more, and am too stubborn to do so.
Oct 06, 23 at 3:53pm
What is love https://youtu.be/HwVh8pmOot4? si
Oct 07, 23 at 4:35pm
i try to get a girlfriend every day but always failed very badly
Oct 07, 23 at 4:45pm
I'm no husband material lolol
You'll find one, one day @jacoblow just have to get the same equivalent matching vibes on both sides
@jacoblow for my experience the more you try to find one the less luck you get. If you look for friends, match vibes, flirt and it goes somewhere you might have better luck.
Oct 07, 23 at 11:02pm
After getting sick last year (to the point of almost dying) it made me think about what I want in a relationship- and if I really want one at all. The person I thought would be there, the one I promised my future to, wasn't there for me. It was a huge wake-up call that I needed to take a step back and look within. For the first time in my life, I like myself and don't mind being alone. I'm stronger than I ever realized. I've enjoyed investing in myself and working on building up my confidence. I no longer feel like I "need" to have romantic love to be happy, so I don't feel like seeking out a relationship at the moment. I also feel differently about love than I used to. After being married and it falling apart, I realized romantic love isn't all it's cut out to be for me at least. I have a best friend I love with all my heart, and having that person around fills me up more than any relationship ever did. If I never fall in love again, I'll be ok. I've made peace with it. I've got me and my support system, I know I'll be alright. I can finally say that.
Oct 28, 23 at 6:49am
it's hard to be happy when your alone
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