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Achieving Our Goals

@Khadrian I know your goal is mainly to build confidence, so I'm going to give you a due date on your goal. I've learned that if you truly want to improve your art skill, you need to at least make one drawing a day, every single day. The drawing itself doesn't matter. It could be a quick sketch, simple doodle, a practice drawing of a chair, whatever really. Your due date will be December 31st. That's about 19 drawings, or 20 if you make one by this Saturday. I don't want to force a due date on people, but that's the point of this. Having a due date along with weekly updates forces you to actually do something. Not having a date or just vaguely saying when you want your goal done isn't going to help you improve at all. Even if you're not proud of your drawing, show it anyway. Use that as a reason to improve yourself. If you're able to force yourself out of your comfort zone, you'll improve a lot better and faster. If you can show any drawing you make, including the ones you're not so proud of showing, you'll eventually feel better about showing your art. To the point that you'll be okay with it. Good or bad, it wouldn't matter because you'll just improve on the next one. So to end this block of text, you have been added to the list. And good luck with achieving your goal!
Aug 18, 16 at 12:41am
@hoodedfang True enough, keeping to a schedule is import. Thanks, and I'll do my best.
Aug 18, 16 at 3:42am
@Sunbae That was sorta added. Good luck with that. XD
20 August 2016 Progress Report #1: I finished two more additional drafts for the routes of our planned 10 for early release. Now, I have a total of four routes to refine and work on. They're a bit haphazard, if I say so myself, but I want to show at least to my team mates where the possible game outcomes and branches could go. My major concern is that they seem a bit like a hodgepodge of most mystery/horror shows that I've seen recently, which is not really ideal. I need to work on that while I wait for feedback from my cousins.
Aug 20, 16 at 12:06pm
20 August, 2016. 9:59 I've gone through two outlines and I've scraped them both. Just something about the way I structured it ruins the flow every time I give new examples and when I start to discuss my points. It's also a little awkward when I start citing myself and using personal testimonies and then transitioning to case laws. I'm also trying to schedule an interview with a prominent lawyer in LA. But I've been kind of distracted due to things, so I haven't been going 100%. I'm also going to be living alone starting next week.
Aug 20, 16 at 12:08pm
I'll also like to add two goals. 2. Learn to make vegetable curry I went ahead and scratched out #1
Aug 20, 16 at 1:01pm
160820 - Progress Report 1: The first few days were pretty unproductive. I thought, "NOOOOO I don't wanna read my old script! It's bad!! I know it's bad!!!" And sure enough it was bad (#WOMP) but right after reading it, I couldn't help but revise it for several hours. There's much more coherence and structure now, and I can finally envision a manga form. In short, I think I've made some pretty good progress! Act 1 out of 2 is 95% COMPLETE with just a few minor adjustments in sentence structure/phrasing. The second act is still in draft form but the content is there. I just need to improve it! When I first began this story, I tried writing something intelligent and thought-provoking, but that's totally not my forte. My forte... is COMEDY!!! So I made it stupid as hell and it works! (#WOMP) It works... almost as hard as me~(っ^ω^c) Week 1: SUCCESS Things to improve: Try to write/review at least 30 mins a day instead of gung-ho-ing it towards the end of the week. Just keep the ball rolling and naturally things will improve!
GAME REPORT 1 - 8/20/2016 I already have the puzzle done with thanks to having pre-made assets for helpful game developing needs. And I have raided some of the galleries of people on my friend's list because I don't feel like googling that hard for a simple puzzle. My current focus until next week is to make a somewhat decent GUI for the game. After that, I'll upload it to my dropbox for anyone to play for a while. I feel that after I get this done, I'll be on track to making basic prototypes for my other projects.
@Ringo, Sunbae, and Shytaku Congratulations on your progress and dealing with your tasks at hand in your own way. :D @Sunbae Your new goals have been added.
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