Yo, how's it going Northeast?

jj_287 @jj_287
Yo, how's it going Northeast?
jj_287 @jj_287
Hey, my name is Jason and looking to meet some new people into anime/manga. +1 if you're over 21, alcohol makes anime/manga/anything THAT much more interesting lol. Youngsters, you'll find out one day ;p . So, hi world!! How you doing?

icymjp @icymjp
commented on
Yo, how's it going Northeast?
icymjp @icymjp
Welcome. Pleasure to meet you. And I agree, alcohol makes things infinitely more fun. Even banging nails with a hammer. Trust me, it's a lot more fun then it sounds.

jj_287 @jj_287
commented on
Yo, how's it going Northeast?
jj_287 @jj_287
Thanks for the warm welcome bro. Yes, I can banging nails with a hammer becoming more fun, as well as a lot more dangerous lol

icymjp @icymjp
commented on
Yo, how's it going Northeast?
icymjp @icymjp
Picture 5 drunk men standing around a small log trying to drive in nails before the others. The real fun is making fun of how bad everyone else sucks.

darkfire91 @darkfire91
commented on
Yo, how's it going Northeast?
darkfire91 @darkfire91
welcome to the site , feel free to buy the 1st round

canteventalkaboutrealshith @cantthinkofabettername
commented on
Yo, how's it going Northeast?
canteventalkaboutrealshith @cantthinkofabettername
This account has been suspended.

jj_287 @jj_287
commented on
Yo, how's it going Northeast?
jj_287 @jj_287
haha, i like the way both of you think

vavoom @vavoom
commented on
Yo, how's it going Northeast?
vavoom @vavoom
What about those in Canada? We can legally drink at the age of 19 (or 18 if you're from Quebec). Imagine all the fun we had at the time, haha
Welcome to the site! I'm also new around here c:
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