help, plz inquire

Yu @metaljester
commented on
help, plz inquire
Yu @metaljester
Mayby if you give me the pic of it i could truly figure it out all though right now my answer is based on speculation alone so i dont know

Yu @metaljester
commented on
help, plz inquire
Yu @metaljester
ok when you get it done i will be ready

Lamby @momoichi
commented on
help, plz inquire
Lamby @momoichi

Yu @metaljester
commented on
help, plz inquire
Yu @metaljester
Ok this has understandable ways fo fixing it by the picture and what your saying is if you didnt error your grammar is when you put the stand on it messes up the head and makes it go down or the hair im not sure if you made a grammar error there or not i would need to know though it seems like it may be more of a angel issue

Yu @metaljester
commented on
help, plz inquire
Yu @metaljester
Ok this has understandable ways fo fixing it by the picture and what your saying is if you didnt error your grammar is when you put the stand on it messes up the head and makes it go down or the hair im not sure if you made a grammar error there or not i would need to know though it seems like it may be more of a angel issue

Lamby @momoichi
commented on
help, plz inquire
Lamby @momoichi
cuz of the hair being so straight the head is pushed down as u saw

Yu @metaljester
commented on
help, plz inquire
Yu @metaljester
there is a way to fix that quite easily actually now actually two ways is the hair actually moving and not plastic i need to know that first then i can make a decision

Lamby @momoichi
commented on
help, plz inquire
Lamby @momoichi
its not moveable, totally plastic :T

Yu @metaljester
commented on
help, plz inquire
Yu @metaljester
Dang then theres only one thing it must be due to the crappy parts to it probably a factory fault but it can be fixed if you have a incline or something with a diagonal angle that will allow it to stand up then do that because if you shift it towards the angle the hair is in most likely the pressure from the hair will be negated that is one way of doing it

Lamby @momoichi
commented on
help, plz inquire
Lamby @momoichi
well iv compated hair and its the same though :T
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