The woefully stupendous thread of magic and quizzes or questions
ardyn_izunia @ardyn_izunia
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The woefully stupendous thread of magic and quizzes or questions
ardyn_izunia @ardyn_izunia
I reason the only magic here is the infinite density created by the collective IQs brought forth by this thread. Could anyone answer my question of who honestly cares? Or better yet riddle thee this..."Who am I?" If anyone solves that mystery consider me impressed. Either way I'm off to dream land! Ciao!
Curlycurr @cur_lypav
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The woefully stupendous thread of magic and quizzes or questions
Curlycurr @cur_lypav
Hah. No. Buttttt.... people say Alcohol as a "guilty" pleasure? Is it really? Alcohol plays one of the huge parts in history. Imagine a big war. And you're a soldier. Fighting everyday, risking your life. At some points in that situation... Alcohol was your only comfort. That's something that passed down. It's not guilty if it's Making you happy, and Making you who you are.
Rokas @sparkis
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The woefully stupendous thread of magic and quizzes or questions
Rokas @sparkis
@cur_lypav If alcohol was making me who I am, then for sure I would be guilty
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The woefully stupendous thread of magic and quizzes or questions
Why was I born as a man?
Curlycurr @cur_lypav
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The woefully stupendous thread of magic and quizzes or questions
Curlycurr @cur_lypav
Why do gay people like men?
Curlycurr @cur_lypav
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The woefully stupendous thread of magic and quizzes or questions
Curlycurr @cur_lypav
LOL I should ask that to myself. The other gays don't seem to be around on MO
Unim Portant @criselington
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The woefully stupendous thread of magic and quizzes or questions
Unim Portant @criselington
I have no idea
Unim Portant @criselington
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The woefully stupendous thread of magic and quizzes or questions
Unim Portant @criselington
Any other quiz questions about the people of MO @gdmh39 or anyone else got quiz or magical questions for anyone?
Great Daddy MH39 @gdmh39
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The woefully stupendous thread of magic and quizzes or questions
Great Daddy MH39 @gdmh39
There was a debate last time talking bout if chicken are actually dinosaurs UwU… sooo are they? OwO would it be what came first chimken, dinosour or the eggo? OwO? XDDDD
Unim Portant @criselington
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The woefully stupendous thread of magic and quizzes or questions
Unim Portant @criselington
Well to be specific first came the T-rex then a break down the line where chickens and ostriches broke away from each other and created their own birds and then came eggs @gdmh39
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