Thinking it's time

Curlycurr @cur_lypav
Thinking it's time
Curlycurr @cur_lypav
Well people... been fun, but I think I gotta
Take a break from the site now.
My cringe levels have had some increases and now,
I can't even have a normal conversation without being stupid
Gonna let my inner Ingo disappear from you Emmets.
God LOL I had to.
But of course if anyone I talked to leaves the site while I'm away...
Was nice to meet ya!
Look at me being dramatic lol I fucking love myself sometimes

blossom౨ৎ @kawaii_kit
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Thinking it's time
blossom౨ৎ @kawaii_kit
@cur_lypav aww I didn’t mind you that way, I actually thought of it as hilarious but I liked it. *hugs and glomps on* I’ll miss you while your gone and please stay safe, happy, healthy and lovely as always. Oh yeah! Also take care of yourself too ^-^

Great Daddy MH39 @gdmh39
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Thinking it's time
Great Daddy MH39 @gdmh39
@cur_lypav… wait what? Your cringe lv hasnt even surpass mine yet why are you already running away? How could i live without your cringe worthy convos… where would i go no with that train of yours? How should i ever reach the northpole?

Curlycurr @cur_lypav
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Thinking it's time
Curlycurr @cur_lypav
I would say that was sweet and made me stay but you don't know the half of it. And technically I am staying but not at the same time. I'll still come online every once in awhile, just won't do anything besides look around

Pete Zahut @criselington
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Thinking it's time
Pete Zahut @criselington
What he means is he totally hates everyone and will come back once a week to exclusively check messages... I could be wrong too

blossom౨ৎ @kawaii_kit
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Thinking it's time
blossom౨ৎ @kawaii_kit
@criselington That makes sense XD... if I’m one of the people he hates (IF that’s the case) why does he keep me around (it’s all a game isn’t it XD) Owo!?

blossom౨ৎ @kawaii_kit
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Thinking it's time
blossom౨ৎ @kawaii_kit
@cur_lypav oh ok that makes sense too

Great Daddy MH39 @gdmh39
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Thinking it's time
Great Daddy MH39 @gdmh39
Well more like he gonna stalk us becausenhe loves us so much. He can’t tell us his true feelings and always lashes out instead of staying true to his feelings… IM describing a tsundere owo… oh my owo.. XDDDD

blossom౨ৎ @kawaii_kit
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Thinking it's time
blossom౨ৎ @kawaii_kit
XD he’s gonna step in to tell you you’re wrong and that’s gonna be one of the only times

Great Daddy MH39 @gdmh39
commented on
Thinking it's time
Great Daddy MH39 @gdmh39
And thats when he gonna confirms my theory of him beeing a tsundere XDDDD
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