Manic bipolar art

arcfire90 @arcfire90
Manic bipolar art
arcfire90 @arcfire90
So I struggle with bipolar type 1 and if you're not totally aware of that, when you're manic during that it's basically like you're on cocaine times 10 and it's pretty nutso. I had a bit of a manic moment in January that led to me making some of the most crazy experimental stuff I've ever made as an artist and I figured instead of hogging up the art and doodles thread I might as well just post some of this stuff because it's pretty insane and I began to really experiment hard with AI while making them to really just help give a lot of these colors and a feel that no ordinary human being would have ever come up with on their own.
I don't wanna sit here and aggrandize being manic because honestly despite how much energy it gives me it's something that needs to be treated properly otherwise it spirals out of control pretty easily and I'll do something insane but at the same time these turned out fucking insane so lemme make the thread and get to showing some of them off

arcfire90 @arcfire90
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Manic bipolar art
arcfire90 @arcfire90

post one, lemme get the rest they're all over the place on my harddrive in bajillion separate folders named stuff like ABJDKFDJ

arcfire90 @arcfire90
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Manic bipolar art
arcfire90 @arcfire90

Post 2. One of these might not upload properly if not I'll upload a smaller res one in the next post

arcfire90 @arcfire90
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Manic bipolar art
arcfire90 @arcfire90

I have a bunch more I gotta lower the resolution on to work on the site

arcfire90 @arcfire90
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Manic bipolar art
arcfire90 @arcfire90

This is the last one I'll post before I get to resizing another batch of them. Not sure why this one seems to go through but the other ones don't but w/e

arcfire90 @arcfire90
commented on
Manic bipolar art
arcfire90 @arcfire90

Here's another batch of them. Some of these are entirely wildly different styles than others because I was so pumped full of energy and was legit all over the place but they all definitely look cool as hell. i think I got one more batch of images coming up too

arcfire90 @arcfire90
commented on
Manic bipolar art
arcfire90 @arcfire90

A lot of these had to be resized to work on the site so they're super low res but yeah just in general really wild crazy-looking stuff that I'm actually very proud of how they came out. They're not all good looking by any means but they are so wildly creative and I'm happy with how they came out and hey I get to make a thread showing them off so bonus points to that
Obviously running around totally manic is not a good thing but in some weird way I'm grateful for this experience because learning about AI and neural networks and how to incorporate them into my own art doesn't just give me a unique artistic flair but also gives me a strong comeptitive edge when it comes to making things professionally and getting things out in a timely manner... I'm also just grateful because man some of these came out cool as helllllll
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