Hey there! Lookin for potential dates!

shallotte @shallotte
Hey there! Lookin for potential dates!
shallotte @shallotte
I'm a 29 year old Demi-Straight, 3D animator by profession, looking to try and get into the dating scene... I waited way too long.
Story is, I was born and raised as an LDS Mormon. And i've been distancing myself from the church recently(Faith shaken). There were many things I agreed with in the church(Importance of family, honesty, moral rules, ect....), But there were various things I NEVER agreed with (The stupid underwear they expected us to wear, having to pay a monthly subscription(tithing), and their highly conservative outlook on progressive topics, ect.).
I realized recently, that where I was heading... I was never going to get married or ever have the opportunity to have kids. The people of the church don't look fondly of gamers or fandom people. They judged people for dying their hair cool colors or liking lolita/goth fashion. My interests conflicted with the church- and were never compatible to begin with. But...
... Now that it has been so long.. I'm in a bind.
I've never dated in MY LIFE. And most people drink or do drugs; or require sex before marriage.. which are things I don't agree with. Everyone else tends to lean far right politically, or have a faith that would potentially cause arguments.
So here I am. Desperate? A little. But I know what type of person i'm looking for, and I really hope to find someone similar to me in the same age group(28-33).
So here goes nothing!

αleph-01 @a1ephy
commented on
Hey there! Lookin for potential dates!
αleph-01 @a1ephy
Some Mormons still practice polygamy. Hmmmm, *starts a harem as Mormon weabuu*
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