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If you want a man, die!

@kawaii_kit ahhh~ my heart just died from happiness at that wink *snuggles* thank you! Good you admit it and I guess we do both win at something kitty~. That’s all that would matter is I would use XD. I just did call him that lol
@gdmh39 I didn’t ask you to comment on what kitty said peasant *cackles*. https://c.tenor.com/e2nvwvsGV6QAAAAC/anime-blush.gif I-I’m not cute!
@wei_ying I’m glad I could make you happy! UwU at least you’d use it lol and if that’s all that’d matter to you then fine :3
@gdmh39 https://c.tenor.com/NnNnxJlJhc8AAAAC/shy-anime.gif T-Thank you for the compliment! That’s too kind of you really~
@kawaii_kit yes I would use it and you deserve the compliment from him :3. Hmmm~ maybe I should start a thread called “babes of MO” XD
@wei_ying you deserve it more you’re so cute! Also I told you you can get flustered as soon as someone compliments you back or flirts back with you ^^, so cute~ and he is not a peasant nor a servant to you lol
@kawaii_kit *huffs* fine how about we both deserve it? Still not true btw and the blushing is...it-it’s a joke lol
@wei_ying *sighs* fine I guess I can agree to that even if I don’t want to. Yes it is true and I know it’s not a joke either *giggles*
@kawaii_kit good we agree *hugs*. Fine whatever you say babe~
@wei_ying XD I can never stop you . Also you should try and make some friends on here to talk to you only have two and one of them is me... I mean unless you’re fine with that :3
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