Legends arceaus
nekochan3012 @nekochan3012
Legends arceaus
nekochan3012 @nekochan3012
Have many people managed to finish Legends Arceaus yet?
AspieChu @projectotakux
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Legends arceaus
AspieChu @projectotakux
1. You spelt Arceus wrong and Idk how you managed to do so. XD
2. Not yet I am slowly going through it. Mixed feelings so far. On one hand I like how Game Freak and TPCi FINALLY are doing a different narrative other than another 8 badge quest, and I really like the new catching mechanic. On the other hand I am numb to the hype because it revolving around the continuous circle Jerk around Breath of The Wild and don't like how they handled level scaling. I also hope they keep PvP in future games cause that is an important part of Pokemons experience.
3. There is like 2 Pokemon Threads already post there
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