Anyone in Texas looking for a friend

Arthur Cures @alice_kills
Anyone in Texas looking for a friend
Arthur Cures @alice_kills
I'm not exactly hoping that the next person that posts is my soul mate. I'm just looking to see who is willing to chat and maybe meet up at cons as friends. I'd really like to meet some of the people here on maiotaku.

Yu @metaljester
commented on
Anyone in Texas looking for a friend
Yu @metaljester
I told you alice im sorry i just have been so dang busy with all this drama im sorry that i did not chat

Arthur Cures @alice_kills
commented on
Anyone in Texas looking for a friend
Arthur Cures @alice_kills
Its all good just didn't know about any other active members from Texas. Also I didn't quite understand that drama in the first place, but I do know that quite a lot of people got upset.

Yu @metaljester
commented on
Anyone in Texas looking for a friend
Yu @metaljester
Dont worry it has been fixed

Arthur Cures @alice_kills
commented on
Anyone in Texas looking for a friend
Arthur Cures @alice_kills
well that's good. No more drama llamas plz.

Yu @metaljester
commented on
Anyone in Texas looking for a friend
Yu @metaljester
Yeah anyways im thinking of trying to make this site as good as possible but its a plan underway i would have to talk to the main heads on here

Arthur Cures @alice_kills
commented on
Anyone in Texas looking for a friend
Arthur Cures @alice_kills
Well do go ahead. If you have ideas to change this site for good I support it. Also do you still want to make that facility for comic fans that you told me about. I would like to talk more about that.

FelixOtaku @felixotaku
commented on
Anyone in Texas looking for a friend
FelixOtaku @felixotaku
im from texas :D trying to make friends

Yu @metaljester
commented on
Anyone in Texas looking for a friend
Yu @metaljester
Hello felix whats up so am i

Arthur Cures @alice_kills
commented on
Anyone in Texas looking for a friend
Arthur Cures @alice_kills
Hello felix!
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