My drawing stuff

serial sans @skeygeta
My drawing stuff
serial sans @skeygeta
Well, I wouldn't consider myself an artist for sure as my skills a way too bad for that but I enjoy drawing for relaxation and try to improve it or play with different styles from time to time. Most of my drawings are roleplay characters of mine or fellow roleplayers in the Guild Wars 2 universe.
So here are some of my drawings. Critics are welcome, of course, as I still try to learn how to improve. :D

serial sans @skeygeta
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My drawing stuff
serial sans @skeygeta
Some Kharrakat stuff.
He's my main roleplay character, a sylvari (plant dude), kind of eccentric and a pyromaniac guy that loves to blow up things.
Original Character

serial sans @skeygeta
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My drawing stuff
serial sans @skeygeta
Tried to convert an IRL buddy of mine into a (very basic) Genshin Impact geo-character just 4 fun :D

serial sans @skeygeta
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My drawing stuff
serial sans @skeygeta
Last week I dreamt I'd suddendly have a stepbrother out of nowhere. xD He was a kinda weird but cool dude so I wanted to draw him since then ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

serial sans @skeygeta
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My drawing stuff
serial sans @skeygeta
Amaya - A fellow roleplayer's character and water mage.

Pete Zahut @criselington
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My drawing stuff
Pete Zahut @criselington
Cool, is it like LARP kind of character or like a D&D character?

serial sans @skeygeta
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My drawing stuff
serial sans @skeygeta
Rather in a D&D character way. But we don't use character sheets when roleplaying within Guild Wars 2. You simply use your engine character :D

Pete Zahut @criselington
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My drawing stuff
Pete Zahut @criselington
Oh I see. Very well then.

serial sans @skeygeta
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My drawing stuff
serial sans @skeygeta
@criselington I never tried LARP anyway. I wanna try it someday as I think it could be fun. But I‘m used to play male characters when roleplaying rather than females xD guess that wouldn‘t work so well with LARP xD

rai shin @raishi
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My drawing stuff
rai shin @raishi
Wow.......Cool works $$
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