Crazy Thing Happened.

- @machina
Crazy Thing Happened.
- @machina
Last weekend was my little brother's thirteenth birthday, and he decided to go camping. So late at night, after the camp was closed, we decided to go for a walk threw the hills and once we get there, we see about 19 18-25 year olds, wearing all black, and ski masks walking around. They walked right past us and when I asked them what the outfits were for they just pointed and said leave. I told the kids to go back, and followed them from a distance. They meet up with about five more and they all start singing what sounded like Christian choir music in perfect harmony. After that they opened a briefcase and passed something around, but I couldn't see what it was from the distance I was at. Then they just split up, and one went in every direction at a casual jog. I ran away when I saw three heading in my direction, so I'm not really sure what was going on. Really weird!

Yu @metaljester
commented on
Crazy Thing Happened.
Yu @metaljester
What you expereinced was probably some form of a religous group or a little clt

- @machina
commented on
Crazy Thing Happened.
- @machina
Yup. It was a lot of fun watching though.

- @machina
commented on
Crazy Thing Happened.
- @machina
It was really creepy and mysterious.

Deleted User @__removed_2febdcff2cGILeMdar
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Crazy Thing Happened.
Deleted User @__removed_2febdcff2cGILeMdar
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- @machina
commented on
Crazy Thing Happened.
- @machina
Sounds great! :D

- @machina
commented on
Crazy Thing Happened.
- @machina
Wasn't paintball. No guns, and the camp was closed. People are exposed to stay in their campsite after 10. This was midnight.
One had a knife though.

Deleted User @__removed_2febdcff2cGILeMdar
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Crazy Thing Happened.
Deleted User @__removed_2febdcff2cGILeMdar
This account has been suspended.

- @machina
commented on
Crazy Thing Happened.
- @machina
Two days ahead of time, in a closed off camp? I don't think so. Plus they didn't have camp site. They must've snuck in.

- @machina
commented on
Crazy Thing Happened.
- @machina
They were all wearing ski masks too, to hide their faces.
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