What is an essay?

dorothypwatkin @dorothypwatkin
What is an essay?
dorothypwatkin @dorothypwatkin
What is an essay?

lewtai @lewtai
commented on
What is an essay?
lewtai @lewtai
A mexican slur for saying the n word

secretagentboi @secretagentboi
commented on
What is an essay?
secretagentboi @secretagentboi
@lewtai nah that's Spanish for homie you're thinking of beaner which my friends would constantly call each other and me once they learned about it

secretagentboi @secretagentboi
commented on
What is an essay?
secretagentboi @secretagentboi
Oh but an essay is just a bunch of words forming some sort of idea followed by ways to inform, persuade, or whatever the fuck the other purposes were i ain't in high school no more why tf am i answering this during my limited break

janejlocane @janejlocane
commented on
What is an essay?
janejlocane @janejlocane
I never understood the structure of writing an essay. Also I was faced with a lack of time. That’s why I decided to turn to the experts to write my online nursing papers https://www.nursingpaper.com/ in a short time. When I was writing it, I forgot about hobbies, training and friends. Sometimes it is worth using additional resources in order to somehow unload your schedule and save time.

jeffthorsen777 @jeffthorsen777
commented on
What is an essay?
jeffthorsen777 @jeffthorsen777
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