MO Quotes That Did Not/Will Not Age Well

Twist Uchiha @warped_justice
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MO Quotes That Did Not/Will Not Age Well
Twist Uchiha @warped_justice

me scrolling and reading each of these god-tier posts:

Panda-kun™ @hell_hound7
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MO Quotes That Did Not/Will Not Age Well
Panda-kun™ @hell_hound7
Just grab a titty

melover4life @local_crackhead
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MO Quotes That Did Not/Will Not Age Well
melover4life @local_crackhead
I see...

Panda-kun™ @hell_hound7
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MO Quotes That Did Not/Will Not Age Well
Panda-kun™ @hell_hound7
You remember when your parents said dont get out of bed or the monster will gobble your toes? Thats me except when you are legal age

Jacob @jacobl89
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MO Quotes That Did Not/Will Not Age Well
Jacob @jacobl89
Some people ask me how I am such as Chad. My answer is I drink lots of milk from various sources.

melover4life @local_crackhead
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MO Quotes That Did Not/Will Not Age Well
melover4life @local_crackhead

Whole milk is chad fuel

Jacob @jacobl89
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MO Quotes That Did Not/Will Not Age Well
Jacob @jacobl89

Some people ask me how I am such an alpha. Just gotta channel your inner Honey Badger and fuck things up and not give a fuck. Honey Badgers > Lions. Also no sauce. I know the sauce but I won't share.

melover4life @local_crackhead
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MO Quotes That Did Not/Will Not Age Well
melover4life @local_crackhead


Panda-kun™ @hell_hound7
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MO Quotes That Did Not/Will Not Age Well
Panda-kun™ @hell_hound7
The sauce is killing bites right? Real chads share sauce

Jacob @jacobl89
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MO Quotes That Did Not/Will Not Age Well
Jacob @jacobl89
Istopusingthissite @local_crackhead you are right. I will NEVER FIGHT a honey Badger. I would rather fight a fucking Polar bear for a few reasons.
1. If I have a gun there is a higher chance I can kill the fucking largest carnivore on the planet than there is of me killing a fucking Honey Badger.
2. When trying to escape I can throw my clothes and other stuff down while I run from the bear and it will stop to smell them. Honey badger don't give a fuck.
3. Honey Badgers will bite off my genitals. Polar bears will kill much easier. I choose the less painful and less humiliating way to die.
4. I love Honey Badgers and would never want to try and hurt one, not like I could.
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