Political rants
Aka-san @redhawk
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Political rants
Aka-san @redhawk
I hope Daniel Penny wins the case
Gabriel @gabriel_true
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Political rants
Gabriel @gabriel_true
It is ridiculous that they ruled self defense for the fellow black passengers on the train, but then acknowledged they could not say the same about the white person assisting the other black people being assaulted.
The guy that died has a criminal history which is being taken into account for sparing the manslaughter charges for the other subduers, however the court for fear of public rioting are going to not use this knowledge to judge the case for the one white person involved.
Not only is that blatant racial discrimination it should be a gross misconduct of the legal system as a whole.
As for the news lady saying she would help the man going nuts on the train punching people out, I hope she encounters that same type of person one day who is also black so she can rationalize that such a violent person is highly misunderstood. That it's ok he's threatening her life because she simply needs to understand his point of view. He needs help and she should willing offer her own life to that insane man because that's what being a good Samaritan is all about.
Aka-san @redhawk
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Political rants
Aka-san @redhawk
Well said and I too feel the same way
正義の味方 @gundamu
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Political rants
正義の味方 @gundamu
I have no stake in this whole case but also like...I find it kind of funny with how something that obviously was an unfortunate tragedy really is being spun into this whole culture war bullshit that polarizes literally everything in this country once more by both sides.
Grifters from one side are saying it's racist because to be fair, let's be real the stark reality is that since the inception of this country it *always* has been about a racial hierarchy and pecking order, and getting rid of that completely is gonna be just as hard as trying to get rid of guns, it's literally deeply embedded in the roots of American history and culture and you'd be delusional if you're one of those people that think we can just bury our heads in the sand and act like there's no race based violence and discrimination still.
With that knowledge it's pretty easy to whip people into a frenzy over yet another black person killed "unjustly" since it happens pretty often whether you like to admit it or not. Not that hard to weaponize a mob. Who cares if the guy actually was a threat and his entire death was an accident and not some sort of hate crime like they want it to be?
while the other side is just constantly pointing fingers with "THE LEFT is..." and using this case as ammunition to probably fuel more reactionaries to the right because white men are obviously hated and oppressed in this country...Right?
It's just hilarious honestly. but unfortunate that Daniel Penny is being used as a tool by both sides of the aisle here
Gabriel @gabriel_true
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Political rants
Gabriel @gabriel_true
I agree with the sentiment of this being politically charged with no meaningful purpose besides the elite getting paid to turn this into media content for television ratings. I also agree that this won't be the first or last time it happens.
For sure there is racism as was stated. Yes racism exists today not just in the United States, but in Japan, China, Russia, Italy, Ireland, Ethiopia, Haiti, Brazil, Argentina, Venezuela, Kenya, Chad, Sudan, Mali, Algeria, Thailand, India, Iran, Afghanistan, Malaysia, you name it on the map and save for Antarctica I don't know a place that's completely bias free.
However I am focusing on this specific situation not from a historical lense but in this unique case. Saying that's the way it is can't improve our situation as a human race. The conversation needs to be had as many times as it takes to reach the handful that's truly listening through the noise of ulterior motives. Those truly twisted enough to use someone's misfortune and mental illness as their platform for self fulfillment and vanity are wrong.
Any person no matter of the historical precedent before them should be granted a fair trial no matter their culture. That's what should be happening. Those that are wronged and can be supported with proper evidence should receive the appropriate sentencing. Mob justice is not true justice. It's just an excuse for everyone's vanity to be unleashed under the cover of a crowd. An excuse to say, "But I wasn't the only one involved so I'm innocent to commit any sin I personally desire!"
shinku @electryc
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Political rants
shinku @electryc
Problem is that mob justice will never ever disappear its embedded in the most primitive roots of our psyche. People can virtue signal about being against mob justice as much as they want but as soon as the mob is on their "side" and they've been whipped up into enough of a frenzy due to manufactured consent even the most principled people fall into it
Hell I'm pretty sure wether Democrats or Republicans win the next election well see plenty or unjustified mob "justice" and "revenge" taking place. It's a dark time where our fellow countrymen are called enemies within or being demonized and name called.
The only way to overcome tribalism is to create as large a tent of "tribesmen" as possible. The utopian future is when we all accept and love each other as one people on one planet with labels just being vanity and aesthetics
正義の味方 @gundamu
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Political rants
正義の味方 @gundamu
It's honestly have been feeling like the polarization and culture war nonsense has been reaching it's peak in recent years with people making entire careers over grifting.
It's been especially irritating as someone that enjoys video games just seeing the absolute insanity where there's just entire channels that are content farms for outrage like "omg x franchise ruined by WOKE DEI LEFTISTS?!?!?!" and they don't even try to be subtle with the grift either because you'd see that their channels would have videos that started about just talking about their favorite games or something and they didn't get much engagement but as soon as they make a grift video about "wokeness" suddenly they have a ton of engagement and their channel is growing steadily lmao (I'll never get over the people that act like they've been "fans" of whatever franchise they're covering but then out themselves in the most hilarious way btw. like TheQuartering ranting about 40k and pronouncing 'Adeptus Custodes' as "ADAPTus Cusstoads")
Just seems like these days people thrive over having negativity or some sort of enemy or boogeyman to hate wholeheartedly, perhaps it's because people are so disconnected with each other that the only way they can connect to someone is through a shared hatred over some thing that popped into their bubble? *shrug*
Gabriel @gabriel_true
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Political rants
Gabriel @gabriel_true
Again I agree with much of what's being brought to the table. I simply don't agree with the assumption all people who seek a positive change in society are being false or vain in their stance.
Clearly there have been improvements throughout history globally. I feel equally frustrated when what has changed gets treated as having been for naught. It is important to recognize the progress that has been achieved while having healthy discussions about what more could be reasonably improved upon or mitigated.
I don't agree with complacency any more than I would agree with over correcting upon social issues while using specific unrelated cases like what's happening with Mr. Penny.
So I can agree there are grifters and I can agree humanity can be historically twisted in its pursuit for justice at times Those are indeed proven facts. My focus personally is handling this man's case for what it was rather than a philosophical debate on the current mental health of our human society.
I don't find it worthless for people to strive for better even knowing there is a high likelihood of falling short or back sliding into poor decision making.
Aka-san @redhawk
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Political rants
Aka-san @redhawk
Gabriel @gabriel_true
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Political rants
Gabriel @gabriel_true
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