Is love real?

campione @campione
Is love real?
campione @campione
My goal in life is to find love. I've never felt what love is I'm single never kissed a person. I mean everyone just feels like there in the same category. I love everyone but no one special. And people around me don't get married anymore. They break up so many times and get with others. I'm starting to think I want to be in an anime that's the fantasy.

banana milk @iloveminecraft123
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Is love real?
banana milk @iloveminecraft123

Lee @foobar32768
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Is love real?
Lee @foobar32768
It seems nonexistant to me so far.

flare3 @flare3
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Is love real?
flare3 @flare3
This account has been suspended.

flare3 @flare3
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Is love real?
flare3 @flare3
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Triscuit @bob_loblaw
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Is love real?
Triscuit @bob_loblaw
I mean, and she's a doctor, so...

Ghost @kuharido
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Is love real?
Ghost @kuharido
I think it is real. Yet it's a complicated feeling that is mixed with others. Love can be for self preservation since humans are social creatures. Yet there are times we meet someone we especially connect with. Sometimes they return those feelings or those feelings are not responded to which agitates people. Sometimes we feel great sorrow losing someone.
So I think something is there since we have such strong responses to relationships. It's a hopeless emotion for survival. Maybe for some it brings a moment of peace and unity from a relationship.

۵TeaIsBetterThenCoffee۵ @liloisback
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Is love real?
۵TeaIsBetterThenCoffee۵ @liloisback
Well let's look at it this way you believe in 2 million dollars you can't see it but you believe it's real

metra @metra
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Is love real?
metra @metra
that anime shows what real love is

Arc @arc
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Is love real?
Arc @arc
Have you ever sat in front of a bowl of garlic rolls bathing in butter sauce? Yeah, love exists.
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