To date with similar interests/hobbies or be opposites in a intimate Relationship?
frankie @hiretsunaotaku
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To date with similar interests/hobbies or be opposites in a intimate Relationship?
frankie @hiretsunaotaku
Yea Bollywood loves to give the finger to physics
frankie @hiretsunaotaku
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To date with similar interests/hobbies or be opposites in a intimate Relationship?
frankie @hiretsunaotaku
Well in a relationship I think both are possible, but if the two share common interests then it sorta becomes more easier for the two to bond over those things.
AspieChu @projectotakux
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To date with similar interests/hobbies or be opposites in a intimate Relationship?
AspieChu @projectotakux
@hiretsunaotaku Most forms of fictional media will give the finger to physics, not just Bollywood.
ikunikudiku @ikunikudiku
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To date with similar interests/hobbies or be opposites in a intimate Relationship?
ikunikudiku @ikunikudiku
Personally I believe it doesn't really matter as long as you're both able to respect each other's interests and hobbies and compromise when needed. Just because you like something doesn't mean your partner has to even understand it, as long as they accept it makes you happy. Likewise, you also need to be able to understand that you'll likely never fully understand everything that goes on in their head too. As long as you guys are happy it shouldn't matter how you spend your free time. Not sure if that answers your question.
ikunikudiku @ikunikudiku
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To date with similar interests/hobbies or be opposites in a intimate Relationship?
ikunikudiku @ikunikudiku
Oh it might be interesting to note my happiest relationships were with people I had little to nothing in common with.
JEFF @jayashr1
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To date with similar interests/hobbies or be opposites in a intimate Relationship?
JEFF @jayashr1
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AspieChu @projectotakux
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To date with similar interests/hobbies or be opposites in a intimate Relationship?
AspieChu @projectotakux
Well I got a date for you!
natsuko @natsuko
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To date with similar interests/hobbies or be opposites in a intimate Relationship?
natsuko @natsuko
Both can be great. In my case it was a mixture of both.. and it was amazing.
scottyhot @scottyhot
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To date with similar interests/hobbies or be opposites in a intimate Relationship?
scottyhot @scottyhot
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[__________] @code_016
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To date with similar interests/hobbies or be opposites in a intimate Relationship?
[__________] @code_016
I realized that my mind drifted away from just hobbies/interests and thought about things more than just that topic. My bad. My response on page 3 might be half about the hobby topic
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