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Simps have ruined art

Dec 15, 20 at 1:44pm
Yo can y'all stop?
Dec 15, 20 at 1:47pm
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Dec 15, 20 at 2:01pm
Wasnt directed at just you @sxfe Hence "y'all"
Dec 15, 20 at 2:22pm
I like H. R. Giger's work. He's a dude. https://chirwac15.files.wordpress.com/2015/10/img_0427.jpg https://ychef.files.bbci.co.uk/976x549/p04bm2jm.jpg https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/71JR1iDbZhL._AC_SY741_.jpg https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/brEBeump8JduQnpgK8ZzsdT75P0=/72x0:888x544/1400x1400/filters:focal(72x0:888x544):format(jpeg)/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/32988959/hr_giger.0.jpg https://d7hftxdivxxvm.cloudfront.net/?resize_to=width&src=https%3A%2F%2Fartsy-media-uploads.s3.amazonaws.com%2FRm-xzSgX1aKj62WiX-vxWg%252F1974-B-250%2B%2BLi%2BI.jpg&width=1200&quality=80 https://www.vagallery.com/uploads/2/5/9/7/2597378/548974759.jpg there is a pic of him. https://uploads1.wikiart.org/images/h-r-giger.jpg!Portrait.jpg
I mean. Girls being put in a pedestal is natural. We, men are drawn to wammen. It's not a white knight/simping phenomena. But the OP post's situation is the product of emotional instability being glorified. Depression, BPD, excessive crying and self-loathing are glorified by "boutique literature" (that is, shit-tier literature). Combine that with the fact we are drawn to girls and you'll have "decent" people not as valued by the internet.
Don't blame girls, guys. Blame people being enabled to simulate emotional instability. E-people just suck. Never got why people simp for people they aren't seeing in their miserable lives...
Dec 15, 20 at 2:29pm
Social media ruins everything. We should just switch back to using carrier pigeons. Maybe people would be more nice and supportive if they didn't deal with people/idiots 24/7. I know my relationships with friends and family greatly improved after I stopped getting on Facebook. *shrug* just sayin.... Nobody is a winner when you're competing for the last word.
For my experience, I just use FB to read news and download memes.
Dec 15, 20 at 2:30pm
oh.. *shakes cane* .... forgot to throw in my age signifier.
Dec 15, 20 at 2:40pm
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