Naruto Vs Bleach
Yu @metaljester
Naruto Vs Bleach
Yu @metaljester
Pick your favorite out of the two mine is Naruto
Akullen @akullen
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Naruto Vs Bleach
Akullen @akullen
I must say naruto also.
Manic @mercule
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Naruto Vs Bleach
Manic @mercule
naruto easily. Bleach has drug on and on, the only time i really enjoyed it was from the beginning to the end of the soul society rescue arc.
Yu @metaljester
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Naruto Vs Bleach
Yu @metaljester
Yes that is true
ロイ @wallace614
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Naruto Vs Bleach
ロイ @wallace614
You can compare them because right now naruto climax is still going and well bleach ended already
so there's no way to tell. We need to wait until the naruto series ends.
And the last arc of bleach is not really good
Akullen @akullen
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Naruto Vs Bleach
Akullen @akullen
actually bleach hasn't ended
Manic @mercule
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Naruto Vs Bleach
Manic @mercule
haha yeah i was sort of scratching my head at that reply as well. Maybe he is like most of us wishing it has ended haha
Akullen @akullen
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Naruto Vs Bleach
Akullen @akullen
most likely only watching the anime which had "ended" when in reality it was put on pause so the manga could get more ahead.
Arthur Cures @alice_kills
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Naruto Vs Bleach
Arthur Cures @alice_kills
I have to agree and say Naruto. Even with the fillers and everything Naruto was still entertaining. As for Bleach, Tite Kubo put in alot of forced comedy and fillers which in my opinion didn't go along to well with the story or that their main plot wasn't that clever.
misskittehcat @misskittehcat
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Naruto Vs Bleach
misskittehcat @misskittehcat
I think they're both on the same plane to be quite honest haha. both were pretty darn good in their glory days
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