Animes/Mangas that made you cry

Akullen @akullen
Animes/Mangas that made you cry
Akullen @akullen
Alright i wanna know if any animes/mangas made a impact big enough to make you cry. i'll name one of mine: Anohana

alaya @alaya
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Animes/Mangas that made you cry
alaya @alaya
Princess Tutu i have to say was the most emotional anime i've seen. The voice actors, animation, and wonderful music all helped a lot, along with the story plot.

Manic @mercule
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Animes/Mangas that made you cry
Manic @mercule
i can get really emotionally involved in series so ive cried quite a few times.
full metal alchemist
code geass
i could name some more but thats prolly good enuff

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Animes/Mangas that made you cry
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sinnamon @sinnamon
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Animes/Mangas that made you cry
sinnamon @sinnamon
Anohana :< cried so much in the end~

Akullen @akullen
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Animes/Mangas that made you cry
Akullen @akullen
i was going at it like a baby

Manic @mercule
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Animes/Mangas that made you cry
Manic @mercule
ah yeah i forgot that one. Def a tear jerker, but not as much as geass,fma, and clannad in my book.

SpiralToppa @sprialtoppa
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Animes/Mangas that made you cry
SpiralToppa @sprialtoppa
AngelBeats! (just finished it), Code Geass, Gurren Lagann, Full Metal Alchemist and Fate/Zero

Yu @metaljester
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Animes/Mangas that made you cry
Yu @metaljester
Definitely code geass and the ending of death note somewhat

Galactic-Squidd @kawaiidango
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Animes/Mangas that made you cry
Galactic-Squidd @kawaiidango
L's Death In death note and Angel Beats
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