Got a Cute Girls Phone number!

Henagata @henagata
Got a Cute Girls Phone number!
Henagata @henagata
now what do i do... o_o

Cecil @cecil
commented on
Got a Cute Girls Phone number!
Cecil @cecil
Did you just get it today I assume? I'd wait at least 24 hours and then maybe drop her a text saying hi.

ronined @ronined
commented on
Got a Cute Girls Phone number!
ronined @ronined
I agree with Cecil.

Manic @mercule
commented on
Got a Cute Girls Phone number!
Manic @mercule
judging on the interest, id possibly text later tonite.

Lamby @momoichi
commented on
Got a Cute Girls Phone number!
Lamby @momoichi
yeah u sood wait a day, unless u wanna text, text if u really got along and wasnt just flirting can be like 5 hours ^^ just dont do the 3 day rule cuz shell probz forget u by then
good luck and congrats XD!

sollexacaptor @sollexacaptor
commented on
Got a Cute Girls Phone number!
sollexacaptor @sollexacaptor
Is it just Meir does Cecil comment on every forum? >_>;

sollexacaptor @sollexacaptor
commented on
Got a Cute Girls Phone number!
sollexacaptor @sollexacaptor
Damn errors

soulxevans @soulxevans
commented on
Got a Cute Girls Phone number!
soulxevans @soulxevans
Some of us are more active than others. We get bored Solle! lol
As for me I just like talking and giving my opinion especially when I feel it may help someone I mean that's what the forums are for right? Especially one for relationship advice. So if you have relationship advise for every topic why not share it? :D Any ways Henagata relax, take a step back and just talk to her all friendly. Be your self and don't get carried away right off the bat. while you're talking she should drop some hints that tell you she likes you for sure and than you can bring it up when you feel comfortable that maybe you want to take her out sometime or get to know her better. ether way Much luck to you buddy!

Henagata @henagata
commented on
Got a Cute Girls Phone number!
Henagata @henagata
its been a couple of days now and unlike other failed attempts this one is actually accepting my calls.
only problem is she walked right passed me with out even noticing /cry
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