2020 US Presidential Election
Amrod @amrod
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2020 US Presidential Election
Amrod @amrod
@olivercrusher I know what you mean, they don't have the time to go around writing every story. But lets go back 2 days when a Black Lives Matter "Protester" shot and murdered a dude point blank for being a trump supporter. When it was aired on the news they only said that someone was killed during a protest. Initially saying that it was a BLM that died. They didn't include the video of the man saying he is 100% antifa and thats why he killed the trump supporter.
They didn't include the video of the BLM protesters cheering for the trump supporters murder.
Amrod @amrod
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2020 US Presidential Election
Amrod @amrod
@momoichi Sorry Lamby I didn't look in there just yet, I'll check it out in a bit <3
Lamby @momoichi
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2020 US Presidential Election
Lamby @momoichi
but my point still stands though
trump is agitating protests, and did infact say that biden is being controlled by a shadow group
so your statement actually is 1. false and 2. works against you
Amrod @amrod
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2020 US Presidential Election
Amrod @amrod
@olivercrusher My recommendation is when you wake up in the morning, look up the news on your own online and read up on current events. Then turn on your TV to hear what the news says on it. You will notice how they change the narrative and wording. I've been doing this for the past few weeks and its crazy. The news on TV is honestly in my opinion the real problem right now. They are quick to label people murderers or criminals or abusers before evidence is released.
o l i @olivercrusher
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2020 US Presidential Election
o l i @olivercrusher
i personally think that news outlets just cant show to much due to certain policies. tbf, people are fucking crazy when it comes to politics and (some) riots, and some news outlets dont show the whole story just to make something look better. thats def another reason why they dont show everything. and i wake up at 4 in the afternooooon there is no morning for meeeee
Amrod @amrod
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2020 US Presidential Election
Amrod @amrod
@momoichi How is he agitating protests currently?
The shadow group I'm assuming he means antifa which the dems have refused to acknowledge. Even when they scream that they are antifa and then begin shooting and stabbing people.
Amrod @amrod
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2020 US Presidential Election
Amrod @amrod
If any of you want to see the video of the man being shot and people cheering about it:
I watched the original one, this one has Ben Shapiro talking about it to explain a bit more if that helps
Lamby @momoichi
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2020 US Presidential Election
Lamby @momoichi
first of all fuck you for making me go on trumps twitter, i have lost braincells i will never get back
Lamby @momoichi
commented on
2020 US Presidential Election
Lamby @momoichi
@armod give me proof antifa is as big and scary as you say it is
because they literally categorize anyone in black as antifa because THERE IS NO LEADER AND THEY ARENT EVEN WELL ORGANIZED
imagine shaking in your boots over some skinny college kids
also, antifa stands for anti-facist
and idk about you, but I'm pretty anti-facist myself
Lamby @momoichi
commented on
2020 US Presidential Election
Lamby @momoichi
ill watch your ben 'my DOCTOR wife has a pussy as dry as the sahara desert' shabibo vid if you watch a john oliver vid
only fair
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