I got a question....

spiritorb @spiritorb
I got a question....
spiritorb @spiritorb
So I'm trans ftm... and now femboys is a thing. Is it ok for a trans dude dress like one? I have been wanting to do it since 2 or 3 years ago, but I feel like I'm going to be judged and people might say. "You're not trans if you dress like that!!"
Anyone please reply... - Noah

Vagene @ahuman
commented on
I got a question....
Vagene @ahuman
This account has been suspended.

spiritorb @spiritorb
commented on
I got a question....
spiritorb @spiritorb
It's okay, you tried :D

Sailor Proxima @enteear
commented on
I got a question....
Sailor Proxima @enteear
You piss around with labels, you limit yourself. Aim for the end product and don't worry about it's category. People don't like it? nothing of value is gained without pain.

Eh?*༄ @adam_whatever
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I got a question....
Eh?*༄ @adam_whatever
@spiritorb dm me

Marcus @marcus_k
commented on
I got a question....
Marcus @marcus_k

Marcus @marcus_k
commented on
I got a question....
Marcus @marcus_k
People will judge you.
But they always will.
More for some things, less for others.
It's up to you if you want this enough and are willing to face eventual backlash.

αlερh-2 @alephy
commented on
I got a question....
αlερh-2 @alephy
Just do it. If they don't like it. Then tell em to fuck off.
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