Kuzuricon (battle creek, Mi)

otakurickeykun @otakurickeykun
Kuzuricon (battle creek, Mi)
otakurickeykun @otakurickeykun
I suppose i'll make this the place to talk about kuzuri. I'm still undecided whether I go to this one or not. I went to youmacon and had a blast, but this con looks like a nightmare from the videos i've seen. The place is nearly empty, that's almost a depressing convention I think. I hope the next years will be better. Anyone else thinking about going there?

hobdiddy @hobdiddy
commented on
Kuzuricon (battle creek, Mi)
hobdiddy @hobdiddy
wow that's pretty cool they have a con in my home town! i might be up for it since i am needing to visit home sometime. when is the con?

dark_cosplays_07 @dark_cosplays_07
commented on
Kuzuricon (battle creek, Mi)
dark_cosplays_07 @dark_cosplays_07
depending on when it is how much it is if i can get a ride as well as a few other things i mite go.

dark_cosplays_07 @dark_cosplays_07
commented on
Kuzuricon (battle creek, Mi)
dark_cosplays_07 @dark_cosplays_07
almost forgot i wont be able to cosplay but still i just whant to go to another con dead or not..

Sephiroth @sephiroth
commented on
Kuzuricon (battle creek, Mi)
Sephiroth @sephiroth
You should absolutely go! We reviewed the con on upcomingcons. There were very few people this year (60 or so) but you got to become friends with Everyone. All the attendees and staf were super friendly. It was awesome, so don't miss it. It was like one big cosplay party you had plenty of time w guests and everything. I highly suggest it and you might see me there.

dark_cosplays_07 @dark_cosplays_07
commented on
Kuzuricon (battle creek, Mi)
dark_cosplays_07 @dark_cosplays_07
realy you should hope you dont im a cloud fanboy and mite try to go mega cleaver on ya! XD J.K.!! is it free or is there a entrance fee?? if there is one it MITE have a small damper on the possibility of me going but these minor end conventions dont normally have a big fee but still whats up there?

dark_cosplays_07 @dark_cosplays_07
commented on
Kuzuricon (battle creek, Mi)
dark_cosplays_07 @dark_cosplays_07
also can you delet th youmacon post i have up i got a better idia for a con post thank you. :)

Sephiroth @sephiroth
commented on
Kuzuricon (battle creek, Mi)
Sephiroth @sephiroth
Well it costs cause they have to pay the hotel, but it was really great last year and it'd be awesome to see all the Michigan MaiOtaku people there. We gave out nearly two thousand cards to people at Youmacon and probably have a lot of MI people that can go ^_^

dark_cosplays_07 @dark_cosplays_07
commented on
Kuzuricon (battle creek, Mi)
dark_cosplays_07 @dark_cosplays_07
how many days? 1 or is it more? if its more ill have to save up alot...

dark_cosplays_07 @dark_cosplays_07
commented on
Kuzuricon (battle creek, Mi)
dark_cosplays_07 @dark_cosplays_07
never mind found a site for the con im reading up on this also any one mind posting in regards to my topic labled "ok so...."??
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