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About me

Oct 26, 12 at 6:55pm
Well I've never been in an official relationship with anybody, but I've had my share of being in love and I've been trying to learn from it. So, to start, I was raised in a rural town where people who weren't the norm, like myself, were marginalized. I love anime, video games, books, intellectual conversing etc. whereas my peers loved sports, 'manly' topics and the sex symbol women. I never really fell for a sex symbol woman, but I had plenty of rejections from pretty, intelligent women. I've never fully understood why, but it maybe that I just am not the norm for my age, in terms of maturity and such. So here I am, in college, trying to sort out 14 years of mania that was my childhood after the age of 4. I'm looking for someone in particular, but since I've never been in a relationship it would be nice to experience it.
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Locked. @masuji commented on About me
Oct 26, 12 at 7:05pm
Well when you're young, people do stupid things. I can't change what happened, but I can remake my life, away from there, into whatever I want.
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Cecil @cecil commented on About me
Oct 27, 12 at 10:44am
Grew up in a very small town myself in the middle of nowhere, so I can relate to you on having a hard time in finding peers who had similar interests outside of the norms. It's not uncommon for a lot of people to not really date in high school and college is a great time to start and meet a lot of new people. Just get out there and join clubs and try to interact with people when you can. The worst thing you can do is stay locked up in your dorm room when you're not in class.
Locked. @masuji commented on About me
Oct 27, 12 at 10:59am
Yeah I'm in the Anime club, I got a tech support job, and I will be taking Yoga and Aikido next semester to improve my physical well-being. Wish I had a motorbike though, its hard to rely on my bros to get me downtown
Oct 27, 12 at 11:47pm
I think what you need to do Masuji, is you're looking for love, but what I like to hear is you're making yourself feel better. That's what needs to come first before you can come into a relationship. But to seek out your significant other, you NEED to get hungry for it. You have to want it. I would be even here to say, pretend and feel what its like to have a significant other and reflect on yourself that feels. I'm gonna guaruntee you will be impressed with the results.
Locked. @masuji commented on About me
Oct 28, 12 at 12:11am
Well worded wolfraver. I agree with what you say, and I've not not been on dates or anything, I just never have felt a very strong stimulation for any of the women i've taken out. One was on a whim, and we remain friends, but another was kind of orchestrated because we both gained something from it (It had to do with her needing a prom date and I needing something to do that weekend.) Another thing is, the women I have had chemistry with, something generally happens to drive them away. Sometimes its completely random. But I'm an honest guy and I'm not good at pretending or otherwise. I've a chick I know whom I've been in correspondence with since May, and we get along, and there is chemistry but she's a total mess of feelings/she has another guy friend or two she's been involved with. She also isn't very familiar with anime and some of it kind of freaks her out, but other than that we're very compatible. I'm working on getting her introduced to it, but if that fails, then I doubt I'm going to have success with her because, thus far, the "trying the other's habits" has been one-sided. So I'll see how this pans out, because honestly I have a problem with women my own age and younger I find, because nobody takes me seriously, I come off as demanding or else the 'weirdo'. She's 20, I'm 18 but I'll see. There arent very many female anime club members, and the few that are I'm not attracted to, either because there isn't much physical attraction, or they're kind of 2 dimensional, where anime is the hinge in their life.
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