Hello, comrades!

Dranixger @dranixger
Hello, comrades!
Dranixger @dranixger
New to the site, just wondering if I may meet some new people (friends or otherwise), possibly in my area (near Murfreesboro, TN), but that's a long shot :p I love talking to new people, so come say hi! :D Message me even, whatever! I'm not good with introductions at all, so the only good way to get to know me is to just talk to me or ask me questions. Which is what you should totally do. Like, right now. :)

/unknown @kyrie
commented on
Hello, comrades!
/unknown @kyrie
ever been to an anime convention?

Dranixger @dranixger
commented on
Hello, comrades!
Dranixger @dranixger
I have! I went to JAMPcon, and I've been to MTAC for the past 2 years. Yourself, I'm assuming has as well?

/unknown @kyrie
commented on
Hello, comrades!
/unknown @kyrie
Fanime '11 & Acen '10 & '12. c:
I plan on attending LOTS this year! >w<

Dranixger @dranixger
commented on
Hello, comrades!
Dranixger @dranixger
Awesome :p MTAC is probably the only one I'll be going to in 2013. Not enough time or money to do many, especially the big ones that aren't local :p

/unknown @kyrie
commented on
Hello, comrades!
/unknown @kyrie
volunteering or making staff can refund your badge. also, it's a great experience plus all of the networking! and it's good on a resume.

Dranixger @dranixger
commented on
Hello, comrades!
Dranixger @dranixger
Working at an anime convention is good on a resume? o.o awesome lol. Maybe I should look into that

Deleted User @__removed_2febdcff2cGILeMdar
commented on
Hello, comrades!
Deleted User @__removed_2febdcff2cGILeMdar
This account has been suspended.

Manic @mercule
commented on
Hello, comrades!
Manic @mercule
Working at a con is ok.. if your friend/s is also working with you or it can be boring. You might also miss out on fun events or getting to explore, so its not always worth it saving that 70 bucks.
You do get extra perks sometimes like hanging around the VAs or getten some certificates for product.
Anyway enjoy your stay
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