Turn ons and turn offs?

Akira @akirawolf
Turn ons and turn offs?
Akira @akirawolf
I made this out of complete boredom and curiosity. xP
I'll start.~
Turn ons: Great personality, has a good sense of humor, similar interests, an accent(English accents<3), and an adorable smile. vuv
Turn offs: Bad body odor or just bad hygiene in general, impatience, cockiness, being overly sensitive, and being shallow.

KitsuneRena @kitsunerena
commented on
Turn ons and turn offs?
KitsuneRena @kitsunerena
Think mine are fairly similar to yours (they are general though so specifics would differ).
These aren't super high on my list but it'd be amazing if a guy I liked had these qualities:
I haven't had this before, but it'd be awesome if I found a guy who could sing really well, or play some interesting musical instrument (love violin, piano, and guitar acoustic versions of stuff). Or both~! Also when a guy is amazing at cooking.

Akira @akirawolf
commented on
Turn ons and turn offs?
Akira @akirawolf
Those are great qualities too. C: Instruments are definitely a plus, and I can't cook for my life so someone who can cook would be great. xD

sapphireyes @sapphireyes
commented on
Turn ons and turn offs?
sapphireyes @sapphireyes
turn ons
long hair, Beautiful eyes, cute smile, adorable laugh, open minded, out going
Turn off
lies,cheats, judgmental, Stays in never wants to do anything, A bitch for no good reason.

Deleted User @__removed_2febdcff2cGILeMdar
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Turn ons and turn offs?
Deleted User @__removed_2febdcff2cGILeMdar
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sapphireyes @sapphireyes
commented on
Turn ons and turn offs?
sapphireyes @sapphireyes
Wow. Just wow.

KitsuneRena @kitsunerena
commented on
Turn ons and turn offs?
KitsuneRena @kitsunerena
I can cook pretty well, I'd like to get better and expand my tastes some since I'm so picky. I can't play instruments at all, never was good at reading sheet music or any of that but I do like music a lot and would like to learn violin or piano (not very focused with my left hand besides with typing). I can sing ok, some people say I'm really good, but in reality I'd like to have a voice coach to be better. I just sing for fun so it's kinda whatever to me.
Although I think long hair looks cool on some anime character guys, I haven't seen too many IRL that I like with hair that is past the shoulders. I don't like super short hair too often either, so kinda the generic anime guy character hair would be my favorite (Kyo from Fruits Basket, Kirito from SAO, Oz from Pandora Hearts). I like Kurz Weber's hair from FMP! and Gokudera's from Reborn! but that's about the longest I could stand IRL. Eyes and smile are important to me as well. I like for a guy to be immaturely mature, still has a kid inside and wants a second childhood but keeps it restrained when it's not the right time and able to act responsible.

Deleted User @__removed_2febdcff2cGILeMdar
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Turn ons and turn offs?
Deleted User @__removed_2febdcff2cGILeMdar
This account has been suspended.

pgsama @pgsama
commented on
Turn ons and turn offs?
pgsama @pgsama
turn on: can talk for hours about nothing. gamer and anime type, open minded,smart,likes to go out, parties here and there
turn off : dumb, being a bitch, superficial, not outgoing, emo

sapphireyes @sapphireyes
commented on
Turn ons and turn offs?
sapphireyes @sapphireyes
But I see you changed it.
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