Eau de Parfum
Veru @verucassault
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Eau de Parfum
Veru @verucassault
Axe used to have this shampoo that was green. It was like a deep cleaning shampoo that smelled like spearmint, probably had tea tree oil in it too because I remember it giving a tingle. I miss it.
elhaym @elhaym
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Eau de Parfum
elhaym @elhaym
Do you have a picture to show? I don't think that Germany had those shampoo here
Veru @verucassault
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Eau de Parfum
Veru @verucassault
https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/8hkAAOxyJU1SLxaR/s-l640.jpg https://d2lnr5mha7bycj.cloudfront.net/product-image/file/large_f95e9c78-3958-434c-8bf1-61a4e7f0c0d2.JPG Apparently it had 2 different looks. It really did wonders for oily hair, but mine is normal. I am a shampoo switcher so I would use this one only once or twice a week alternating between it and something like Moisturizing Dove.
elhaym @elhaym
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Eau de Parfum
elhaym @elhaym
Thank you~ that looks exciting.
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