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Get to know unknown people

So, this seemed like it could be a fun idea. Not sure if done before.. You ask a question - something you would like to know about the next person in the thread. Naturally, there is no next person yet, so you don't know who you are asking. Then he answers and then asks a question for the next yet unknown person. Let's get started: what kind of personality do you have?
Ok. Imma ISFP-T. How did you come across Maiotaku ?
Apr 28, 20 at 7:37am
It's not really a hard question, but I don't want to say something that is actually not true about myself even thought I think it is but I will try. I always thought that I am a rather calm person even thought sometimes I try to throw jokes around to get people laughting, but it doesn't work everytime. I try to get along with everyone thought and I do not hate anyone. I do dislike some people but I never hold hatred for someone even thought that person might have hurt me in some way. I always try to help someone in need, even if sometimes I don't know myself if that's a good thing to do. I really hate to lie, thought if I catch someone lying I don't really bash them for it. I brush it off and sometimes when the person admits himself that he has been lying, we even laugh it off and forget about it.There is a bit more things to say about me, but I hope it gets you a rough idea of my personality xD. What are your hobbies? Oh and im can be pretty clumsy sometimes
Apr 28, 20 at 7:38am
oh damn sorry frank xD
XD no worries
1 What's your favourite thread on here ?
This account has been suspended.
Apr 28, 20 at 7:51am
Anime really manages to deliver amazing action scenes that get me super hyped up! Do you have a favourite superhero? (Sorry for my childish questions xD)
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