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Maiotaku (unofficial) dating section

@rinkae i send request, see? I come in peace. @baka yeah i get that lol but discord groups and stuff never work tbh they are just places people go to talk and the more social butterfly dudes shine most
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Oh cool, then yeah. This is definitely a good idea. I have noticed there was a lack of an introduction thread. Back in my forum days, the guild I was a part of had an introduction thread for new members and whatnot. At least this'll be more noticeable and people will get to find someone they're interested in getting to know here just by looking based on their bio and whatnot. Safe from all of the trolls and lurkers with mental problems.
In definitely interested! ^-^
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Rinkae definitely brings up so good points, honestly that goes for both guys and girls. You never know what type of manipulative shit someone may be on, so it's not really that odd to screen people and be friends first before jumping into things. Hell, I do that even. I think it's important if you're trying to go into something serious.
@丸喜 拓人, Yeah there are many guys who are manipulative bastards. I remember back when I was in my university I was hearing cases about girls and guys from both sides being in abusive relationships on campus. In my Psych class, we had a guest speaker who went through it personally. And we watched a really well put together video regarding relationship abuse. Not for the weak heart as it tore my soul... but it was very important to sit through. Although, this is online so yeah... It's really difficult to tell what's going through a person's mind.
Definitely. Girls are just as guilty as guys.
Well guess my natural tendency to lurk is gonna put a hard stop to that huh, guess I'll check back in a year or so and hope this idea got off the ground.
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