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My perfect ideal dream woman.

hopefully one that is breathing
@to the people who feel sorry for OP that we're making fun of him: WELCOME TO THE INTERNET.
Feeling sorry for the op would require caring about the op. Feeling sorry about the comments implies pitty and a sense of embarrassment for the community, internet or not Quite simple, really. Also, boredom breeds boredom and thusly I'm here.
Cielle, you and the others may say "Welcome to the Internet" but not everyone is like that. I thought this web site was a community where you make friends with people with same interest, etc. But I guess that was a BIG lie.
Blood, Never forget, it's still humans just like you behind those words. Also, this site really does have quite a few nice people, even those posting in here. I more than understand thier frustration with this topic, but the op hasn't even been on in over two years. Still, it's just people having a little fun to beat the dull-drum of thier lives.
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Yass and Creepy, I understand but talkin' crap about someone who hasn't been on this site for like 2 or 3 years until some dummy, grave dig through all those topics and have the audacity to bring this back up. But whatever, now I know which of you are the asshole guys and bitchy girls on this web site. Yes, it may seem that I'm contradicting my words about callin' people names or whatever but "Welcome to the Internet".
Blood, just take it with a grain of salt. If you choose not to talk to some, no problem. You won't be friends with everyone on here, I can promise you that.
Yass, true. But I came on this web site to see what you guys and girls talk about like anime, games, whatever. Don't have to be friends, just a fellow member with same interest that may lead you or myself to being friends. I did not come here to see people talk crap to each other or someone who talk crap behind someone's back.
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