My dream girl ~w~
- @machina
My dream girl ~w~
- @machina
She'd be nice, cute, shy like me. But also spontaneous and fun when she wants to be.She MUST be an Otaku or else we wouldn't have anything to talk about. She'd dye her hair crazy colors and dress all weird, have cute bright eyes and adorable little feet X3 ...Pfft "-3- I'm too specific...
Krystalynn @inverse
commented on
My dream girl ~w~
Krystalynn @inverse
Cute. Sounds like every guys dream girl tho. <3
Galactic-Squidd @kawaiidango
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My dream girl ~w~
Galactic-Squidd @kawaiidango
How cute and super specific pochi ^^
- @machina
commented on
My dream girl ~w~
- @machina
I know XD
Maybe that's why I can't find anyone XD
- @machina
commented on
My dream girl ~w~
- @machina
Cute feets >w<
Krystalynn @inverse
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My dream girl ~w~
Krystalynn @inverse
You're the third boy I know who admits they like feets. Beginning to think a lot more like them too but wont admit it. :3
- @machina
commented on
My dream girl ~w~
- @machina
It's true. It is the most common non-sexual fetish. But alas, we have freaks that take it too far and molest kids and stuff. So we can't come clean with it without being perverts -n-
brek @brek
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My dream girl ~w~
brek @brek
Well you are talking about a dream girl. I mean you really should just put down whatever about girls makes you happy regardless of whether it comes true or not.
I would have a longer and more precise list for my "Dream girl."
Lamby @momoichi
commented on
My dream girl ~w~
Lamby @momoichi
lol thats not alot at all XD u have good expectations :P very reasonable :P nice ur not the kinda girl who wants he girls boobs to be as fake as her face is globbed with make up lol :P
Lamby @momoichi
commented on
My dream girl ~w~
Lamby @momoichi
not the kinda guy***** TYPO =____________=
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