Anybody play any instruments? If so, which one(s) and for how long?

Kazama @nishikata
Anybody play any instruments? If so, which one(s) and for how long?
Kazama @nishikata
I play the guitar, ukelele and Learning the piano.
Guitar for 8 years now
Ukelele for 1 year
Piano about 6 months now

finrando_utsuro @finrando_utsuro
commented on
Anybody play any instruments? If so, which one(s) and for how long?
finrando_utsuro @finrando_utsuro
I play keyboards for 8 years.

Kazama @nishikata
commented on
Anybody play any instruments? If so, which one(s) and for how long?
Kazama @nishikata
Cool cool, what kind of music do you like to play?

finrando_utsuro @finrando_utsuro
commented on
Anybody play any instruments? If so, which one(s) and for how long?
finrando_utsuro @finrando_utsuro
Generally Rock music. I like to listen prog music but my playing is hardly near progressive, so let us just call Rock.

Kazama @nishikata
commented on
Anybody play any instruments? If so, which one(s) and for how long?
Kazama @nishikata
I see, but there's always time to get better

atomic_cat0 @atomic_cat0
commented on
Anybody play any instruments? If so, which one(s) and for how long?
atomic_cat0 @atomic_cat0
I just started playing piano!

Kazama @nishikata
commented on
Anybody play any instruments? If so, which one(s) and for how long?
Kazama @nishikata
Nice! I approve good sir

magichattoby @magichattoby
commented on
Anybody play any instruments? If so, which one(s) and for how long?
magichattoby @magichattoby
I've been playing piano for 10 years and ukulele for 3 years :3
I really wish i could learn bass guitar tho, might pick it up in 2020.

Kazama @nishikata
commented on
Anybody play any instruments? If so, which one(s) and for how long?
Kazama @nishikata
O: 10 and 3 years!!! I am vanquished!

GranTurismoT @granturismot
commented on
Anybody play any instruments? If so, which one(s) and for how long?
GranTurismoT @granturismot
Guitar for, oh, 12 years or so. Time flies when you're having fun lol.
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