What is your dream partner?

magichattoby @magichattoby
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What is your dream partner?
magichattoby @magichattoby
Well its different for me if its a guy or girl.
If its a girl, I do love small tittys and a big heart. And if she does cute cosplays with me, i'd fall even more in love.
If its a guy, if he cosplays Mello from Death Note, i'd marry him on the spot.
But most importantly, both have to be trustworthy and kinky.

Finala @finala
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What is your dream partner?
Finala @finala
My ideal partner?
- Gender doesn't matter, just be a good person in general. Be kind, and never cause cruelty for no reason.
- Sex wise - if you and I click, same hobbies, and you're a nice person? Idc if you're asexual. Ideally though wed find each other stunning and have lots of kinky ass smex
- I am open to polyamourous relationships, so wouldn't mind having 2/3 partners, it doesn't matter one way or another
I genuinely dunno who my ideal partner(s) is, but I hope I find someone who I can hold and let them know THEY are what I have been looking for. I dont care about anything else, just that we love each other unconditionally.

tomxvegan @tomxvegan
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What is your dream partner?
tomxvegan @tomxvegan
She would share at least some interests with me.
She should like to travel and see new places.
She should be at least vegetarian.
I prefer someone wo doesn't smoke or does any drugs.
I like closeness but on some days i also like to keep my distance and do things with my friends alone.
Other than that it is hard to say. I rather like girls with longer hair than short but its not that important.

White Wolf @white_wolf666
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What is your dream partner?
White Wolf @white_wolf666
Dream partner?
Cute girl that would be nice and would love me. I don't need much... I think
Ok, something more...
I prefer small breasts #TeamFlatIsJusitce
I really love it when a girl has long hair(long to the butt and longer!)
And well... no addictions I think
But I think I'd fall in love with any girl that would love me
I will see what the future holds

frankie @hiretsunaotaku
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What is your dream partner?
frankie @hiretsunaotaku
So far in my ~18 years of life I've only found 1 girl who satisfies this criteria, and that too on MO.
•Watches anime, reads manga. (ofc)
•is humorous and understands my sense of humour.
•loves animals.
•cares for those close to her.
•is adorable, very very very very adorable.
•is open-minded.
•understands privacy and personal space.
•isn't rude to others.
•is fun to hang out with.
*a plus if she wears glasses. Then in the unlikely event of us kissing then our glasses would hit against one another. Kinda weird I know, but it's something I find to be adorable.
No physical preferences since I have no intention of falling in love with the body. I believe in falling in love with her personality.

casaiiiir @casaiiiir
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What is your dream partner?
casaiiiir @casaiiiir
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Cero @cero
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What is your dream partner?
Cero @cero
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Praxis @stazmae
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What is your dream partner?
Praxis @stazmae
For the appearance
I don't really have anything specific, besides honesty; respectful and caring. Literally, if there was someone like Makoto from Free, they would be a dream. Minus the 2D part.
Someone whose caring, can accept my randomness and obsession for BL. Someone whose intelligent, but doesn't use it to big their who up or uses it as a tool to be mean.
I don't know if I'll ever have that connection with someone... My heart needs to feel it too, I guess. I don't care about looks.
Looks fade over time.
Gender doesn't matter to me either. I care mostly for their soul and personality.
I feel like my dream person is a little unrealistic. ತ_ತ

frankie @hiretsunaotaku
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What is your dream partner?
frankie @hiretsunaotaku
If you search hard enough then you'll see that there's actually quite a few people who fill that criteria.

GameOver @literallgarbage
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What is your dream partner?
GameOver @literallgarbage
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