Could do with someone in my life (even just to spend time with)
Yokai @yokaikami
Could do with someone in my life (even just to spend time with)
Yokai @yokaikami
Basically what the title says. Im a 22 PC gamer and anime fan and could do with someone to hang with as im generally on my own nowadays as all my friends have started to or move on.
I also dabble in cosplay and go to cons when I can.
I try to be a nice guy and get on with people but can be quite if with alot of people i dont know witch is probably not a great help XD but once i get chatting its all good. I was with someone a while ago but they decided to move on as they couldnt handle a long distance relationship so we decided to stay friends but dosnt really speak to me much anymore so that didnt really help me XD
Im generally on Discord MrRuku#6250 if anyone fancies getting to know me or PM me on here and i'll see it as i forget to come on here sometimes. Anyway if anyone pops up that would be great but if not for you then i wish you well.
Excaliborg @excaliborg
commented on
Could do with someone in my life (even just to spend time with)
Excaliborg @excaliborg
i could be your friend! :D
HighBeam @apprehend
commented on
Could do with someone in my life (even just to spend time with)
HighBeam @apprehend
There are many friendly people on here, just message them
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