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I am looking for a husbando

Lace is cheating though she's an actual competent human being and not a talent-less shut in
Oct 15, 19 at 11:13am
Well I did say I was going to show you guys how to write a CV, right? Why wouldn't I put real information on there?
Yeah i would be crazy if she wasnt into girls lmfao @lamby OP should slide tho
Oct 15, 19 at 11:15am
lace is the front runner so far, i wonder if anyone else can possibly compete?
American is not a language
oh american sign language oof
@lamboo I lost the minute she posted, my hello wont be enough. I might need to throw in a "beautiful" if i wanna stay in this
Well i already dont want her because she does not want kids.
Oct 15, 19 at 11:20am
never call a woman youv never met beautiful thats a red flag im afraid lenny use to be my favorite mai girl, but i think im changing teams to lace being best girl
Oct 15, 19 at 11:20am
@laff tbf she yeeted those kids cause there was 12 of them maybe shes down with like, 2?
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