
kami_oni @kami_oni
kami_oni @kami_oni
why is it so hard for people to not want to be with someone with disabilities like it's hard for me to find someone cause of of mine.... wish people wouldt be so hard on us... -_-

Yiffy Bunny @yiffy_bunny
commented on
Yiffy Bunny @yiffy_bunny
They may be few and far between, but there are people who'll look beyond any disabilities and see the person for who they are, you may want to search out someone who is different in their own way as they would be more open to unique relationship possibilities.
( says a gal whose details send lesbians screaming as they run out into the night )

Phoenix @animecountryboy
commented on
Phoenix @animecountryboy
The sad truth is that some people don't want to have to deal with difficulties in a relationship, those are the people who also can't hold on to a good relationship once they find it. However there are people who will love someone for who they are and will stick by them no matter what, no matter what "fault" they have. Finding a way to not only get past the "fault" they may have but to also love them more because of the "fault". to me there is no such this as perfect... but there is what i call "perfectly imperfect" where the "faults" of something make you love it even more(not just people but anything)
PS: when i say "fault" i am referring to anything that does not fit the society norm of perfect

kami_oni @kami_oni
commented on
kami_oni @kami_oni
I have been but it's still difficult I just wish it wasn't hard just want to be with someone who has the same interests as me and looks beyond my faults but eeh what can you do right? some people even told me to give up Since my disabilities are to much for someone to handle...

moonlightreaper @moonlightreaper
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moonlightreaper @moonlightreaper
dude i know how you feel. people are just hollow but like im told there is someone for everyone

Phoenix @animecountryboy
commented on
Phoenix @animecountryboy
Kami_oni i have said this to many people countless times for many reasons "Once you find something you want to do with your life and aim to do it, don't let anything get you down. Once you find something you enjoy doing the rest will fall into place"

Yiffy Bunny @yiffy_bunny
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Yiffy Bunny @yiffy_bunny
kami_oni, may I ask what are your disabilities which complicate potential relationships ?
I'm simply asking out of curiosity and if you read my info page, you'll see I put everything out there for all to see. I'm sure my info page sends many people running in fright, but it is my way to filter those people out from the few remaining who are accepting or potentially even curious enough to contact me.

kami_oni @kami_oni
commented on
kami_oni @kami_oni
Yiffy my disabilities are I guess mental Aspergers and fragle X which that's were the Aspergers developed from and i have little bit of brain damage which keeps me from driving... those things are a curse to me..

Tiger Festival @animeboy
commented on
Tiger Festival @animeboy
I'm cursed with a learning disability and my inability to keep up with other ppl at some situations(depends on what it is) so yeah your not alone.

Yiffy Bunny @yiffy_bunny
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Yiffy Bunny @yiffy_bunny
I've been tested as a child at +4σ to +5σ, potentially high functioning autistic, so my brain doesn't even work as most others do. I have pretty much given up looking for anyone near me and don't go into techie things much with others because few understand to the extent I can.
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