pirates vs ninjas

Persivle @persivle
commented on
pirates vs ninjas
Persivle @persivle
Haha! Good old Maplestory! In defense of the pirates in that game, the thief/assassin class was around long before the pirates even came out. The whole fight thing is kinda pointless in my opinion. I wouldn't be sailing around Asia, I would be plundering either Europe or the Caribbean so I probably wouldn't run into a ninja.
Viking or samurai is a good one too. But I would be viking all the way. I really respect the discipline and honor of the samurai but the vikings have berserkers. The fight thing again I consider even more pointless in this case because there is no way a viking would run into a samurai. Except in age of empires and the samurai would win that one.

Silver Silent @cursedsilence
commented on
pirates vs ninjas
Silver Silent @cursedsilence
Lol I'm sorry I like ninjas.but they're way to over rated. I think pirates are just as awesome if not, more. They're more carefree and adventurous in my opinion.

Trash Ramen @exherokid
commented on
pirates vs ninjas
Trash Ramen @exherokid
Ever since I read Epic by Conor Kostick,
@Persivle: Samurais have Battousai.
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