michiko @michiko
michiko @michiko
Greetings fellow otakus! I'm Michiko and I'm a comic artist hopeful. I work mostly in fantasy/sci-fi and I'm working hard to make my writing as good as my drawing. ;P It's good to be here and I hope to meet lots of awesome people.
r0BSCEÑ0 @robscene
commented on
r0BSCEÑ0 @robscene
Hi, and welcome ^^
It's always great to see another artist, especially one who specializes in their own comic/manga
And I now what you mean about getting one's writing on par with their artwork XD
Well hope you have fun here on the site, and feel free to message and/or friend me if you'd like to chat sometime
michiko @michiko
commented on
michiko @michiko
Thanks robscene! It's good to be here. ^^ It sounds like you're working on a comic!
r0BSCEÑ0 @robscene
commented on
r0BSCEÑ0 @robscene
^^" I've done the first twenty or so pages for a couple different stories but they never really took off
I have one I'd really like to do now, but without any kind of deadline, I've been real lazy about working on it
How about you? Done any stories of your own?
And you have an awesome avatar. Is that also something you made?
michiko @michiko
commented on
michiko @michiko
Haha yup, this avatar is one of my creations. Thanks!
Actually, I'm just the same with my story... XD It's been in pre-production hell for a couple of years now, but I'm putting my foot down. It'll most likely end up as a web comic, though. ;D
If you'd like to see more, here's my Deviantart ---> www.epscillion.deviantart.com
r0BSCEÑ0 @robscene
commented on
r0BSCEÑ0 @robscene
XD I'm jealous of your hardcore coloring skills
I think I've worked in black & white for too long
But all the pages I made are on my Deviantart too
You have my respect for all your Transformers pics ^^
And that Tron outfit is pretty intense
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