Hiya new here

Power Kamen Otaku @powerkamenotaku
Hiya new here
Power Kamen Otaku @powerkamenotaku
Hiya what's up everyone? Oh my nickname is Yuga a pleasure to meet you all haha anyway my fav stuff to do if
1.Meet new friend's
2.Watch Anime/Kamen Rider/Super Sentai shows
3.Eat sweets
those are my top fav things to do in my free time and I also love cute/funny stuff. Well that's all for now nice to meet you all https://66.media.tumblr.com/0f25f2780f783984331f3994ff96ecdd/tumblr_pl2so2ojfh1wfa92lo5_400.gif

KuroK @kurok
commented on
Hiya new here
KuroK @kurok
Welcome Welcome!! sounds like you will fit in nicely. Enjoy your stay!!!

azzajit @azzajit
commented on
Hiya new here
azzajit @azzajit
Nice to meet you!

Power Kamen Otaku @powerkamenotaku
commented on
Hiya new here
Power Kamen Otaku @powerkamenotaku
Nice to meet you two and KuroK thank you I hope I can fit in haha^^ Anyway thanks to you both https://gifimage.net/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/kamen-rider-build-hazard-gif.gif

,.,,,, @anyuchi
commented on
Hiya new here
,.,,,, @anyuchi
Welcome ~

암브로시우스 @ambrosel
commented on
Hiya new here
암브로시우스 @ambrosel
Hello, hello~ and welcome to this lovely community of MO!
To the left, you'll see thirsty weebs seeking out love
To the right, you'll see weebs wallowing in self-pity
And right behind you is the shut-in exhibit! Watch as these weebs waste their life away inside their rooms and spending most of their time browsing the internet!
Enjoy your stay!

Power Kamen Otaku @powerkamenotaku
commented on
Hiya new here
Power Kamen Otaku @powerkamenotaku

Haha thank you two and MLG thanks I guess haha^^ Anyway thank you both also for the welcome

setzuen @setzuen
commented on
Hiya new here
setzuen @setzuen
hey ambrosel
we have feelings too :(

paul7707pw @paul7707pw
commented on
Hiya new here
paul7707pw @paul7707pw
Im new to lol, we got that in common.

standino98 @standino98
commented on
Hiya new here
standino98 @standino98
Welcome to this domain!
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