What was your first Anime?
Oyabun @senpaisamasan
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What was your first Anime?
Oyabun @senpaisamasan
Ily tiki
. @atom_kitty_kat
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What was your first Anime?
. @atom_kitty_kat
Angel beats
ruthless_waifu @ruthless_waifu
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What was your first Anime?
ruthless_waifu @ruthless_waifu
May have been a Ghibli anime X3
Cricket_ @only_cricket_
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What was your first Anime?
Cricket_ @only_cricket_
Definitely pokemon
rteker1 @rteker1
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What was your first Anime?
rteker1 @rteker1
this one image says it all for us that grew up in the 80's
Bossmama6969DabXD @joemama10235
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What was your first Anime?
Bossmama6969DabXD @joemama10235
Super Book
songofsisyphus @songofsisyphus
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What was your first Anime?
songofsisyphus @songofsisyphus
Technically speaking, Dragonball Z or Gundam Wing or something (I was way too young for Gundam Wing).
But the first thing I actually actively watched was Bleach. Oh, I miss early Bleach, that was good stuff.
kawaiidesu25 @kawaiidesu25
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What was your first Anime?
kawaiidesu25 @kawaiidesu25
Fullmetal alchemist brotherhood! Best anime ever made :)
turtwig @turtwigz
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What was your first Anime?
turtwig @turtwigz
Pokemon & Naruto. What got me into anime heavily was Oreimo
[__________] @code_016
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What was your first Anime?
[__________] @code_016
I believe my very first anime was Digimon because of CW kids maybe? Idk but I know for sure later down the line I confused it with Pokemon LMAO. Hey, I was a child okay
(Was a different channel. I’ll research)
Was probably Fox Kids
I really got into anime after middle school when let a friend use my Netflix account. I saw “Soul Eater” as a recently viewed show. I got curious and decided to watch it. Loved it and wanted to see what more was out there just like it
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