Reasons to Live
Max @reclaw
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Reasons to Live
Max @reclaw
Max @reclaw
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Reasons to Live
Max @reclaw
Rin @miarin
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Reasons to Live
Rin @miarin
It's true that scars do remain, no matter how much therapy you go through they sadly won't completely dissapear. The way someone sees life can dramatically change with time though since people are always somewhat changing throughout life. The person someone was a year ago probably won't be 100% the same person a year later. Life in general is tough so It's important for family members/friends to support one another when one of them is going through tough times...unfortunately that doesn't always happen or it might also be that they want to but they don't know how to. Therapy is really worth looking into if someone feels like there's no way out.
pana @pana
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Reasons to Live
pana @pana
Zessiv @zessiv
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Reasons to Live
Zessiv @zessiv
I don't know.
Maybe caring less about the people and the situations around you may help.
Like, you don't need to be an asshole to everyone around you. You can still be nice, but if it is necessary you should be also selfish.
Put yourself, your health and your family on the first place and after that comes everything else.
And obviously it is important to keep your brain active so it thinks about other stuff than the negative things. So just doing stuff you like could help.
Also I think searching for friends and love does the opposite of everything cause it will just feel forced, awekward and you seem desperate what nobody rly likes, at least thats my oppinion, I could be wrong here.
Friends and stuff just come over time probably and if not, you still have your family. Just search for positive things in your life no matter how small it is.
No friends, you still got your family, no family, you still got yourself. Giving up is for losers. I prefer winning until the end. Until it ends with a bang.
I mean, I just don't see a reason to give up. If you can give up, you should be also able to just go on with out carring to much about anything.
Doesn't sound reasonable?
You never know what there will be in the future for you
Thats at least how I see things. Doesn't mean it is the best way. It is at least working for me.
baithoven @baithoven
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Reasons to Live
baithoven @baithoven
Find your purpose and generally just enjoy it.
A lot of negative emotions you feel also come from negative thoughts which ultimately end up forming the way you see things and the way you'll behave.
I mean think of laying in bed and you hear a bump in the middle of the night, you're home alone and you might wonder what the sound is.
Now imagine thinking that it's maybe just the wood cracking or mice and the way you'd act if this is what you genuinely think.
Now imagine thinking it's a burglar and maybe they're even armed and the way you might act if this is genuinely what you think.
This carries on to all kinds of situations in life, maybe someone said something that isn't necessarily pleasant but the way you end up feeling and behaving as a result is as simple as assuming either good faith or bad faith in what the person said.
Laffantion @laffantion
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Reasons to Live
Laffantion @laffantion
Anime, Vidya and best girl. Not in that order best girl is on top x3
Lee @foobar32768
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Reasons to Live
Lee @foobar32768
I screwed up again...
Baka @reinhardt76
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Reasons to Live
Baka @reinhardt76
This account has been suspended.
Lee @foobar32768
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Reasons to Live
Lee @foobar32768
I actually want to just stop and die. My life isn't good for anybody. And I will just make people upset and I will always feel worse
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