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One Punch Gainz

Feb 08, 21 at 12:04am
@mikihiko Even then, you're just not reaching the same muscle recovery time and growth as you would by using protein supplements. It is impossible to consume as much protein by food alone as with using the powder.
Feb 08, 21 at 1:13am
Yeah. But I think your body becomes dependent on that. @sparkis I see it as cheating. But that's just me.
WTF IS WITH Y'ALL?!?!?!?!?!
@animesimp1234 Simply trying to make the best of ourselves.
No working out for me for a while, got kicked in the hand while sparring with a friend and now my finger is swolen and I've stretched a ligament.
Feb 08, 21 at 12:31pm
I have also started using much more supplements than I used to before. Mainly added creatine and citrulline. Also gave another chance to pre workout shakes. And I like them more now for some reason, definitely helps me push a little more. Also started drinking collagen just to be sure my joints are in good health
Feb 08, 21 at 12:32pm
@sparkis Can you tell me more about these products?
Feb 08, 21 at 12:47pm
Creatine is as you know, gives you a small increase in energy during your workout, since it increases your ATP production. But it's honestly not that big of a boost. Also aids in muscle recovery, and possibly reduced muscle breakdown. Citrulline helps with long workouts. Fatigue doesn't set in as quickly. It relaxes your blood vessels, improves blood flow. Possibly helps protein synthesis too. Collagen is for joints. Not sure how to explain it more. Pre workout shakes are alot of things in one. Caffeine, Beta-alanine, Taurine. Basically helps you with energy during workout aswell
I am one hefty son of a bitch.
ladies (or even guys if you feel like it) join me!!! this challenge kinda hard but we want to be sexy this summer right ~ i do not usually like youtube workout videos cuz these people are like unstoppable robots and no breaks but this bitcc knows what's up i highkey recommend https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zesANY67l3c&list=PLGJXy8jvV3rj-oQxeOxum2gxKAFkIq43T
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